尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!-z6com



          王绪高,男,博士生导师,二级研究员,1980年2月生,中共党员,2006年毕业于尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com沈阳应用生态研究所,获博士学位。国家优秀青年科学基金获得者,尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com森林生态与管理重点实验室副主任,辽宁省陆地生态系统碳中和实验室主任,尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com沈阳应用生态研究所科技处长。主持国家基金委优秀青年科学基金项目、国际合作交流重点项目、面上项目、中科院先导B课题等项目10余项,主要从事森林生物多样性维持和功能方面的研究,在种间关系、群落格局和生态系统功能等方面开展工作,取得以下主要成果:①提出了随机稀释假说解释了不同森林植物种间关系差异的原因,解决了生态位理论和中性理论关于种间关系作用强弱的争论;②揭示了扩散限制在维持温带森林群落植物多样性格局的重要作用,改变了“种间关系和环境异质性等生态位过程在温带森林占主导地位”的传统认识;③阐明了生态位分化对温带森林生产力的正向作用随演替发展而增强的规律,为理解植物多样性与生产力关系奠定了理论基础。目前发表SCI论文80余篇,其中以第一或通讯作者在PNAS、Nature Communications、New Phytologist 等SCI期刊发表论文40余篇。撰写1份咨询报告(我国生物多样性保护面对的挑战及对策建议)被中办采纳;以第一完成人获辽宁省自然科学二等奖1项。2018年获辽宁省“百千万人才工程”百人层次人选、辽宁省“兴辽英才计划”青年拔尖人才,2019年获尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com优秀导师奖、第四批沈阳市高层次人才-领军人才,2020年获尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com朱李月华优秀教师奖、沈阳市“四尊”先进工作者。担任Peer J、Ecological Processes、生物多样性、北京林业大学学报和生态学等杂志期刊编委,中国林学会高级会员,辽宁省生态学会理事。培养2名博士分别获得中科院院长特别奖(2019年)和中科院院长优秀奖(2021年)。

          办公电话: 024-83970207

          Email: wangxg@iae.ac.cn





          2001.9-2006.6: 尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com沈阳应用生态研究所,博士,生态学             

          1997.9-2001.7: 山东曲阜师范大学,学士,生物学


          2006.7-2008.8: 尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com沈阳应用生态研究所,助理研究员          

          2008.9-2011.10: 尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com沈阳应用生态研究所,副研究员

          2010.3-2011.2: 美国Harvard University,博士后

          2011.11-今  : 尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com沈阳应用生态研究所,研究员

          2018.1-今   : 尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com森林生态与管理重点实验室,副主任

          2019.8-今   : 尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com沈阳应用生态研究所科技处,处长

          2021.11-今  : 辽宁省陆地生态系统碳中和实验室,主任



















          Xu Zhichao, Johnson Daniel J., Zhu Kai, Lin Fei, Ye Ji, Yuan Zuoqiang, Mao Zikun, Fang Shuai, Hao Zhanqing and Wang Xugao*. Interannual climate variability has predominant effects on seedling survival in a temperate forest. Ecology, 2022, e3643.

          Jia Shihong, Wang Xugao*, Hao Zhanqing and Bagchi Robert. The effects of natural enemies on herb diversity in a temperate forest depend on species traits and neighbouring tree composition. Journal of Ecology, 2022, 110(11): 2615-2627.

          Zhang Mengxu, Sayer Emma J., Zhang Weidong, Ye Ji, Yuan Zuoqiang, Lin Fei, Hao Zhanqing, Fang Shuai, Mao Zikun, Ren Jing and Wang Xugao*. Seasonal Influence of Biodiversity on Soil Respiration in a Temperate Forest. Plants, 2022, 11: 3391.

          Lin Guigang, Yuan Zuoqiang, Zhang Yansong, Zeng Dehui and Wang Xugao*. Dominant tree mycorrhizal associations affect soil nitrogen transformation rates by mediating microbial abundances in a temperate forest. Biogeochemistry, 2022, 158(3): 405-421.

          Sanaei Anvar#, Yuan Zuoqiang#, Ali Arshad, Loreau Michel, Mori Akira S., Reich Peter B., Jucker Tommaso, Lin Fei, Ye Ji, Fang Shuai, Hao Zhanqing and Wang Xugao*. Tree species diversity enhances plant-soil interactions in a temperate forest in northeast China. Forest Ecology and Management, 2021, 481: 119160.

          Wang Shuyue, Jimenez-Alfaro Borja, Pan Shaoan, Yu Jinghua, Sanaei Anvar, Sayer Emma J., Ye Ji, Hao Zhanqing, Fang Shuai, Lin Fei, Yuan Zuoqiang and Wang Xugao*. Differential responses of forest strata species richness to paleoclimate and forest structure. Forest Ecology and Management, 2021, 499: 119605.

          Yuan Zuoqiang#, Ali Arshad#, Sanaei Anvar, Ruiz-Benito Paloma, Jucker Tommaso, Fang Lei, Bai Edith, Ye Ji, Lin Fei, Fang Shuai, Hao Zhanqing and Wang Xugao*. Few large trees, rather than plant diversity and composition, drive the above-ground biomass stock and dynamics of temperate forests in northeast China. Forest Ecology and Management, 2021, 481: 118698. 

          Yuan Zuoqiang, Ali Arshad, Ruiz-Benito Paloma, Jucker Tommaso, Mori Akira S., Wang Shaopeng, Zhang Xiaoke, Li Hui, Hao Zhanqing, Wang Xugao* and Loreau Michel. Above- and below-ground biodiversity jointly regulate temperate forest multifunctionality along a local-scale environmental gradient. Journal of Ecology, 2020, 108(5): 2012-2024.

          Jia Shihong, Wang Xugao*, Yuan Zuoqiang, Lin Fei, Ye Ji, Lin Guigang, Hao Zhanqing and Bagchi Robert. Tree species traits affect which natural enemies drive the Janzen-Connel effect in a temperate forest. Natural Communications, 2020, 11: 286.

          10 Mao Zikun, Corrales Adriana, Zhu Kai, Yuan Zuoqiang, Lin Fei, Ye Ji, Hao Zhanqing and Wang Xugao*. Tree mycorrhizal associations mediate soil fertility effects on forest community structure in a temperate forest. New Phytologist, 2019, 223: 475–486. 

          11 Fang Shuai, Cadotte MarcWilliam, Yuan Zuoqiang, Lin Fei, Ye Ji, Hao Zhanqing and Wang Xugao*. Intraspecific trait variation improves the detection of deterministic community assembly processes in early successional forests, but not in late successional forests. Journal of Plant Ecology, 2019, 12(4): 593-602.

          12 Fang Shuai, Munoz Francois, Ye Ji, Lin Fei, Yuan Zuoqiang, Kuang Xu, Hao Zhanqing and Wang Xugao*. Deterministic processes drive functional and phylogenetic temporal changes of woody species in temperate forests in Northeast China. Annals of Forest Science, 2019, 76:42.

          13 Wang Xugao*, Wiegand Thorsten, Anderson-Teixeira Kristina J., Bourg6 Norman A., Hao Zhanqing, Howe Robert, Jin Guangze, Orwig David A., Spasojevic Marko J., Wang Shunzhong, Wolf Amy and Myers12 Jonathan A. Ecological drivers of spatial community dissimilarity, species replacement and species nestedness across temperate forests. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2018, 27 (5), 581-592.

          14 Yuan Zuoqiang, Wang Shaopeng, Ali Arshad, Gazol Antonio, Ruiz-Benito Paloma, Wang Xugao*, Lin Fei, Ye Ji, Hao Zhanqing and Loreau Michel. Aboveground carbon storage is driver by functional trait composition and stand structural attributes rather than biodiversity in temperate mixed forests recovering from disturbances. Annals of Forest Science, 2018, 75:67.

          15 Zhang Zhaochen, Papaik Michael J., Wang Xugao*, Hao Zhanqing, Ye Ji, Lin Fei and Yuan Zuoqiang. The effect of tree sizes, neighborhood competition and environment on tree growth in an old-growth temperate forest. Journal of Plant Ecology, 2017, 10(6): 970-980.

          16 Yuan Zuoqiang, Wang Shaoping, Antonio Gazol, Jarad Mellard, Lin Fei, Ye Ji, Hao Zhanqing, Wang Xugao*, Michel Loreau. Multiple metrics of diversity have different effects on temperate forest functioning over succession. Oecologia, 2016, 182(4): 1175-1185.

          17 Wang Xugao*, Thorsten Wiegand, Nathan J. B. Kraft, Nathan G. Swenson, Stuart J. Davies, Hao Zhanqing, Robert Howe, Lin Yiching, Ma Keping, Mi Xiangcheng, Su Sheng-Hsin, Sun I-Fang and Amy wolf. Stochastic dilution effects weaken deterministic effects of niche-based processes in species rich forests. Ecology, 2016, 97(2): 347-360.

          18 Wang Xugao*, Li Hui, T. Martijn Bezemer and Hao Zhanqing. Drivers of bacterial beta diversity in two temperate forests. Ecological Research, 2016, 31: 57-64.

          19 Wang Xugao*, Wiegand Thorsten, Swenson Nathan G., Wolf Amy T., Howe Robert W., Hao Zhanqing, Lin Fei, Ye Ji and Yuan Zuoqiang. Mechanisms underlying local functional and phylogenetic beta diversity in two temperate forests. Ecology, 2015, 96(4): 1062-1073.

          20 Wang Xugao*, Swenson Nathan G., Wiegand Thorsten, Wolf Amy, Howe Robert, Lin Fei, Ye Ji, Yuan Zuoqiang, Shi Shuai, Bai Xuejiao, Xing Dingliang and Hao Zhanqing. Phylogenetic and functional diversity area relationships in two temperate forests. Ecography, 2013, 36: 883-893.

          21 Wang Xugao*, Hao Zhanqing, Zhang Jian, Lian Juyu, Li Buhang and Yao Xiaolin. Tree size distributions in an old-growth temperate forest. Oikos, 2009, 118: 25-36. 

          22 Wang Xugao*, He Hong S., Li Xiuzhen. The long-term effects of fire suppression and reforestation on a catastrophic fire burned forest landscape in Northeastern China. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2007, 79: 84-95. 

          23 Wang Xugao*, Li Xiuzhen, He Hongshi, Xie Fuju. Long-term effect of different planting proportions on forest landscape in Great Xing’an Mountains, Northeast China after the catastrophic fire in 1987. Frontiers of Forestry in China, 2007, 2(4): 382-389.

          24 Wang Xugao*, He Hong S., Li Xiuzhen, Chang Yu, Hu Yuanman, Xu Chonggang, Bu Rencang, Xie Fuju. Simulating the effects of reforestation on a large catastrophic fire landscape in Northeastern China. Forest Ecology and Management, 2006, 225:82-96.

          25 Wang Xugao*, Li Xiuzhen, He Hong S. and Hu Yuanman. Ecological restoration: our hope for the future? Chinese geographical science, 2004, 14(4): 361-367.

          26 毛子昆, 郝占庆, 原作强, 蔺菲, 叶吉, 王绪高*. 物种聚集分布与种间关系的多度不对称性. 中国科学: 生命科学, 2020, 50(4), 381-390.

          27 王国杰, 蔺菲, 胡家瑞, 原作强, 郝占庆, 王绪高*. 氮和土壤微生物对水曲柳幼苗生长和光合作用的影响. 应用生态学报, 2019, 30(5): 1445-1453.

          28 蔡礼蓉, 匡旭, 房帅, 原作强, 蔺菲, 叶吉, 郝占庆, 王绪高*. 长白山阔叶红松林3个常见树种径向生长的影响因素. 应用生态学报, 2017, 28(5), 1407-1413.

          29 王美玲, 张继超, 王舶鉴, 王诗洋, 郝占庆, 王绪高*. 长白山区森林景观格局动态. 生态学杂志, 2017, 36(11): 3138-3147.

          30 宋厚娟,  , 师帅, 张昭臣,  , 邢丁亮, 原作强, 蔺 , 王绪高*, 郝占庆. 长白山区阔叶红松林残留片段木本植物物种组成与群落结构. 应用生态学报, 2014, 25(5): 1239-1249.  

          31 宋厚娟, 叶吉, 蔺菲, 原作强, 郝占庆, 王绪高*. 取样面积对森林木本植物空间分布格局分析的影响. 科学通报, 2014, 59: 2388-2395.

          32 房帅, 原作强, 蔺菲, 叶吉, 郝占庆, 王绪高*. 长白山阔叶红松林木本植物系统发育与功能性状结构. 科学通报, 2014, 59: 2342-2348. 

          33 张昭臣, 郝占庆, 叶吉, 蔺菲, 原作强, 邢丁亮, 师帅, 王绪高*. 长白山次生杨桦林树木短期死亡动态. 应用生态学报, 2013, 24(2): 303-310.

          34 王绪高*, 李秀珍, 贺红士. 1987年大兴安岭特大火灾后不同管理措施对落叶松林的长期影响. 应用生态学报, 2008, 19(4): 915-921.

          35 陈亮, 王绪高*. 生物多样性与森林生态系统健康的几个关键问题. 生态学杂志,2008, 27(5): 816-820.

          36 王绪高*, 李秀珍, 贺红士, 冷文芳, 问青春. 大兴安岭北坡落叶松林火后植被演替过程研究. 生态学杂志, 2004, 23(5): 35-41.

          37 王绪高*, 李秀珍, 贺红士, 胡远满. 中性景观模型与真实景观的一致性. 应用生态学报, 2004, 15(6): 973-978.

          38 王绪高*, 李秀珍, 孔繁花, 李月辉, 石秉路, 高振岭. 大兴安岭北坡火烧迹地自然与人工干预下的植被恢复模式初探. 生态学杂志, 2003, 22(5): 30-34.



          1. Yin Jin, Lin Fei*, Lombaerde Emiel De, Mao Zikun, Liu Shufang, Ye Ji, Fang Shuai and Wang Xugao*. The effects of light, conspecific density and soil fungi on seedling growth of temperate tree species. Forest Ecology and Management, 2023, 529: 120683.

          2. Ren Jing#, Fang Shuai#, Wang Qingwei, Liu Hongyan, Lin Fei, Ye Ji, Hao Zhanqing, Wang Xugao*, Fortunel Claire* and Notes Author. Ontogeny influences tree growth response to soil fertility and neighborhood crowding in an old-growth temperate forest. Annals of Botany, 2022, doi: org/10.1093/aob/mcac146.

          3. Wiegand Thorsten*, Wang Xugao*, Anderson-Teixeira Kristina J., Bourg Norman A., Cao Min, Ci Xiuqin, Davies Stuart J., Hao Zhanqing, Howe Robert W., Kress W. John, Lian Juyu, Li Jie, Lin Luxiang, Lin Yiching, Ma Keping, Mcshea William, Mi Xiangcheng, Su Sheng-Hsin, Sun I-Fang, Wolf Amy, Ye Wanhui and Huth Andreas. Consequences of spatial patterns for coexistence in species-rich plant communities. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 2021, 10. 1038.

          4. Yuan Zuoqiang, Ali Arshad, Loreau Michel, Ding Fang, Liu Shufang, Sanaei Anvar, Zhou Wangming, Ye Ji, Lin Fei, Fang Shuai, Hao Zhanqing*, Wang Xugao* and Bagousse-Pinguet Yoann Le. Divergent above- and below-ground biodiversity pathways mediate disturbance impacts on temperate forest multifunctionality. Global change biology, 2021, 10. 1111.

          5. Sanaei Anvar, Ali Arshad, Yuan Zuoqiang*, Liu Shufang, Lin Fei, Fang Shuai, Ye Ji, Hao Zhanqing, Loreau Michel, Bai Edith and Wang Xugao*. Context-dependency of tree species diversity, trait composition and stand structural attributes regulate temperate forest multifunctionality. Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 757: 143724.

          6. Sanaei Anvar, Sayer Emma J., Yuan Zuoqiang*, Lin Fei, Fang Shuai, Ye Ji, Liu Shufang, Hao Zhanqing and Wang Xugao*. Soil Stoichiometry Mediates Links Between Tree Functional Diversity and Soil Microbial Diversity in a Temperate Forest. Ecosystems, 2021, 10. 1007.

          7. Bai Zhen, Yuan Zuoqiang, Wang Dongmei, Fang Shuai, Ye Ji, Wang Xugao* and Yuan Haisheng*. Ectomycorrhizal fungus-associated determinants jointly reflect ecological processes in a temperature broad-leaved mixed forest. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 703(10): 135475.

          8. Jia Shihong, Wang Xugao*, Yuan Zuoqiang, Lin Fei, Ye Ji, Hao Zhanqing and Luskin Matthew Scott*. Global signal of top-down control of terrestrial plant communities by herbivores. PNAS, 2018, 115(24):6237-6242. 

          9. Wiegand Thorsten*, Huth Andreas, Getzin Stephan, Wang Xugao*, Hao Zhanqing, Gunatilleke C. V. Savitri and Gunatilleke I. A. U. Nimal. Testing the independent species’ arrangement assertion made by theories of stochastic geometry of biodiversity. Proceeding of the Royal Society B, 2012, 279:3312-3320.

          10. 原作强, 王星, 毛子昆, 蔺菲, 叶吉, 房帅, 王绪高*, 郝占庆*. 典型温带树种固碳速率研究. 北京林业大学学报,2022, 44(10): 43-51.



          1. Wang Xugao, Comita Liza S., Hao Zhanqing, Davies Stuart J., Ye Ji, Lin Fei and Yuan Zuoqiang. Local-scale drivers of tree survival in a temperate forest. PLoS ONE, 2012,  7(2):e29469.

          2. Wang Xugao, Wiegand Thorsten, Wolf Amy, Howe Robert, Davies Stuart J. and Hao Zhanqing. Spatial patterns of tree species richness in two temperate forests. Journal of Ecology, 2011, 99: 1382-1393.

          3. Wang Xugao, Wiegand Thorsten, Hao Zhanqing*, Li Buhang, Ye Ji and Lin Fei. Species associations in an old-growth temperate forest in north-eastern China. Journal of Ecology, 2010, 98: 674-686.

          4. Wang Xugao, Ye Ji, Li Buhang, Zhang Jian, Lin Fei and Zhanqing Hao. Spatial distribusions of species in an old-growth temperate forest, north-eastern China. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 2010, 40: 1011-1019.

          5. Wang Xugao, Hao Zhanqing*, Ye Ji, Zhang Jian, Li Buhang and Yao Xiaolin. Spatial pattern of diversity in an old-growth temperate forest in Northeastern China. Acta Oecologica, 2008, 33: 345-354.

          6. Wang Xugao, Hao Zhanqing*, Ye Ji, Zhang Jian, Li Buhang and Yao Xiaolin. Spatial variation of species diversity across scales in an old-growth temperate forest of China. Ecological Research, 2008, 23:709-717.

          7. Wang Xugao, He Hong S., Li Xiuzhen* and Hu Yuanman. Assessing the cumulative effects of post-fire management on forest landscape dynamics in northeastern China. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 2006, 36: 1992-2002.

          8. 王绪高, 原作强, 房帅, 毛子昆. 生物多样性如何影响温带森林生态系统功能. 首届植物科学前沿学术大会摘要集(一), 2022, 61-62.

          9. 王绪高, 米湘成. 94届美国生态学会年会在新墨西哥州阿尔伯克基召开. 植物生态学报, 2009, 33(5): 1013.

          10. 王绪高, 郝占庆*, 叶吉, 张健, 李步杭, 姚晓琳. 长白山阔叶红松林物种多度和空间分布格局的关系. 生态学杂志, 2008, 27(2): 145-150.

          11. 王绪高, 李秀珍*, 贺红士. 大兴安岭森林景观在不同火干扰及人工更新下的演替动态.  北京林业大学学报, 2006, 28(1): 14-22.

          12. 王绪高, 李秀珍, 贺红士, 解伏菊. 1987年特大森林火灾后大兴安岭北坡森林景观生态恢复的评价. 生态学报, 2005, 25(11): 3098-3106.

          13. 王绪高, 李秀珍*, 贺红士, 解伏菊. 1987年大兴安岭森林火灾后不同种植比例对森林景观的长期影响分析. 应用生态学报, 2006, 17(5): 855-861.




          1. 米湘成#, 王绪高#, 沈国春#, 刘徐兵, 宋晓阳, 乔秀娟, 冯刚, 杨洁, 毛子昆, 徐学红, 马克平*. 中国森林生物多样性监测网络: 二十年群落构建机制探索的回顾与展望. 生物多样性, 2022, 30(10): 22504.

          2. Li Hui#, Wang Xugao#, Liang Chao, Hao Zhanqing, Zhou Lisha, Ma Sam, Li Xiaobin, Yang Shan, Yao Fei and Jiang Yong. Aboveground-belowground biodiversity linkages differ in early and late successional temperate forests. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: 122234.




          1. Zhu Meihui, Ester Gonzalez de Andres, Wang Yunyun, Xu Zhichao, Ye Ji, Yuan Zuoqiang, Lin Fei, Fang Shuai, Mao Zikun, Wang Xugao and Hao Zhanqing*. El Ni?o–Southern Oscillation affects the species-level temporal variation in seed and leaf fall in a mixed temperate forest. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 850: 157751.

          2. Liu Bo, Zhang Jinlong, Lau Matthew K., Wang Xugao, Liang Yu* and Ma Tianxiao. Diversification and phylogenetic correlation of functional traits for co-occurring understory species in the Chinese boreal forest. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 2022, doi: 10.1111/jse.12840.

          3. Wang Bojian#, Fang Shuai#, Wang Yunyun, Guo Qinghua, Hu Tianyu, Mi Xiangcheng, Lin Luxiang, Jin Guangze, Coomes David, Yuan Zuoaiqng, Ye Ji, Wang Xugao, Lin Fei* and Hao Zhanqing*. The Shift from Energy to Water Limitation in Local Canopy Height from Temperate to Tropical Forests in China. Forests, 2022, 10.3390.

          4. Yang Shan, Wu Hui, Wang Zhirui, Semenov Mikhail V., Ye Ji, Yin Liming, Wang Xugao, Kravchenko Irina, Semenov Vyacheslav, Kuzyakov Yakov, Jiang Yong and Li Hui*. Linkages between the temperature sensitivity of soil respiration and microbial life strategy are dependent on sampling season. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2022, 172: 108758.

          5. Davies Stuart J.*,.....Hao Zhanqing.....Wang Xugao, et al. ForestGEO: Understanding Forest Diversity and Dynamics through a Global Observatory Network. Biological Conservation, 2021, 253: 108907.

          6. Liu Shufang, Yuan Zuoqiang, Ali Arshad, Sanaei Anvar, Mao Zikun, Ding Fan, Zheng Di, Fang Shuai, Jia Zhaojie, Tao Zhao, Lin Fei, Ye Ji, Wang Xugao and Hao Zhanqing*. Anthropogenic disturbances shape soil capillary and saturated water retention indirectly via functional traits and soil organic carbon in temperate forests. Forests, 2021, 12, 1588.

          7. Jiang Feng, Lutz James A., Guo Qingxi, Hao Zhanqing, Wang Xugao, Gilbert Gregory S., Mao Zikun, Orwig David A., Parker Geoffrey G., Sang Weiguo, Liu Yankun, Tian Songyan, Cadotte Marc W. and Jin Guangze*. Mycorrhizal type influences plant density dependence and species richness across 15 temperate forests. Ecology, 2021, 102(3): e03259.

          8. Xiong Dan, Wei Cunzheng, Wang Xugao, Lu Xiaotao, Fang Shuai, Li Yingbin*, Wang Xiaobo, Liang Wenju, Han Xingguo, Bezemer Thiemo Martijin and Li Qi*. Spatial patterns and ecological drivers of soil nematode beta-diversity in natural grasslands vary among vegetation types and trophic position. Journal of Animal Ecology, 2021, 90(5): 1367-1378.

          9. Wills Christopher*, ......Fang Shuai......Wang Xugao, et al. Interactions between all pairs of neighboring trees in 16 forests worldwide reveal details of unique ecological processes in each forest, and provide windows into their evolutionary histories. Plos Computational Biology, 2021, 17(4): e1008853.

          10. Li Jing, Sang Changpeng, Yang Jingyi, Qu Lingrui, Xia Zongwei, Sun Hao, Jiang Ping, Wang Xugao, He Hongbo and Wang Chao*. Stoichiometric imbalance and microbial community regulate microbial elements use efficiencies under nitrogen addition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2021, 156: 108207.

          11. Zhong Yonglin, Chu Chengjin*, Myers Jonathan A., .....Wang Xugao, et al. Arbuscular mycorrhizal trees influence the latitudinal beta-diversity gradient of tree communities in forests worldwide. Nature communications, 2021, 12(1): 3137.

          12. Ren Jing, Fang Shuai, Lin Guigang, Lin Fei, Yuan Zuoqiang, Ye Ji, Wang Xugao, Hao Zhanqing* and Fortunel Claire*. Tree growth response to soil nutrients and neighborhood crowding varies between mycorrhizal types in an old-growth temperate forest. Oecologia, 2021, 197(2): 523-535.

          13. Lin Guigang*, Craig Matthew E., Jo Insu, Wang Xugao, Zeng Dehui and Phillips Richard P. Mycorrhizal associations of tree species influence soil nitrogen dynamics via effects on soil acid-base chemistry. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2021, 31(1): 168-182.

          14. Li Hui, Yang Shan, Semenov Mikhail V., Yao Fei, Ye Ji, Bu Rencang, Ma Ruiao, Lin Junjie, Kurganova Irina, Wang Xugao, Deng Ye, Kravchenko Irina, Jiang Yong* and Kuzyakov Yakov. Temperature sensitivity of SOM decomposition is linked with a K-selected microbial community. Global change biology, 2021, 27(12): 2763-2779.

          15. Shoemaker, L. G. Sullivan, L. L.*, Donohue, I., Cabral, J. S., Williams, R. J., Mayfield, M. M., Chase, J. M., Chu, C., Stanley Harpole, W., Huth, A., HilleRisLambers, J., James, A. R. M., Kraft, N. J. B., May, F., Muthukrishnan, R., Satterlee, S., Taubert, F., Wang Xugao, Wiegand, T., Yang, Q., and Abbott, K. C. Integrating the underlying structure of stochasticity into community ecology. Ecology, 2020, 101(2): e02922.

          16. Fung Tak, Chisholm Ryan A.*, Anderson-Teixeira Kristina, Bourg Norm, Brochelman Warren Y., Bunyavejchewin Sarayudh, Chang-Yang Chia-Hao, Chitra-Tarak Rutuja, Chuyong George, Condit Richard, Dattaraja Handanakers S., Davies Stuart J., Ewango Corneille E. N., Fewless Gary, Fletcher Christine, Gunatilleke C. V. Savitri, Gunatilleke I. A. U. Nimal, Hao Zhanqing,  Hogan J. Aaron, Howe Robert, Hsieh Changfu, Kenfack David, Lin Yiching, Ma Keping, Makana Jean-Remy, McMahon Sean, McShea William J., Mi Xiangcheng, Nathalang Anuttara, Ong Perry S., Parker Geoffrey, Rau E-Ping, Shue Jessica, Su Sheng-Hsin, Sukumar Raman, Sun I-Fang, Suresh Hebbalalu S., Tan Sylvester, ThomasDuncan, Thompson Jill, Valencia Renato, Vallejo Martha I., Wang Xugao, Wang Yunquan, Wijekoon Pushpa, Woif Amy, Yap Sandra and Zimmerman Jess. Temporal population variability in local forest communities has mixed effects on tree species richness across a latitudinal gradient. Ecology Letters, 2020, 23: 160-171.

          17. Yuan Zuoqiang*, Ali Arshad, Wang Shaopeng, Wang Xugao, Lin Fei, Wang Yunyun, Fang Shuai, Hao Zhanqing*, Loreau Michel and Jiang Lin. Temporal stability of aboveground biomass is governed by species asynchrony in temperate forests. Ecological indicators2019, 107, 105661.

          18. Yang Shan, Yao Fei, Ye Ji, Fang Shuai, Wang Zhirui, Wang Ruzhen, Zhang Qinglong, Ma Ruiao, Wang Xugao, Jiang Yong, Dorodnikov Maxim, Li Hui and Zou Hongtao. Latitudinal pattern of soil lignin/cellulose content and the activity of their degrading enzymes across a temperate forest ecosystem. Ecological Indicators, 2019, 102: 557-568.

          19. Yuan Zuoqiang, Ali Arshad, Jucker Tommaso, Ruiz-Benito Paloma, Wang Shaopeng, Jiang Lin, Wang Xugao, Lin Fei, Ye Ji and Hao Zhanqing*. Multiple abiotic and biotic pathways shape biomass demographic processes in temperate forests. Ecology, 2019, 100(5): e02650.

          20. Wang Yunyun, Mazer Susan J.*, Freckleton Robert P., Yuan Zuoqiang, Wang Xugao, Du Yanjun, Lin Luxiang, Wang Xihua, Sang Weiguo, Liu Xiaojuan and Hao Zhanqing*. Testing mechanisms of compensatory fitness of dioecy in a cosexual world. Journal of Vegetation Science, 2019, 30(3): 413-426.

          21. Chu Chengjin*, Lutz James A., Kral Kamil, Vrska Tomas, Yin Xue, Myers Jonathan A., Abiem Lveren, Alonso Alfonso, Bourg Norm, Burslem David F. R. P., Cao Min, Chapman Hazel, Condit Richard, Fang Suqin, Fischer Gunter A., Gao Lianming, Hao Zhanqing, Hau Billy C. H., He Qing, Hector Andrew, Hubbell Stephen P., Jiang Mingxi, Jin Guangze, Kenfack David, Lai Jiangshan, Li Buhang, Li Xiankun, Li Yide, Lian Juyu, Lin Luxiang, Liu Yankun, Liu Yu, Luo Yahuang, Ma Keping, McShea William, Memiaghe Herve, Mi Xiangcheng, Ni Ming, Brien Michael J. O, Oliverira Alexandre A. de, Orwig David A, Parker Geoffrey G., Qiao Xiujuan, Ren Haibao, Reynolds Glen, Sang Weiguo, Shen Guochun, Su Zhiyao, Sui Xinghua, Sun I-Fang, Tian Songyan, Wang Bin, Wang Xihua, Wang Xugao, Wang Youshi, Weiblen George D., Wen Shujun, Xi Nianxun, Xiang Wusheng, Xu Han, Xu Kun, Ye Wanhui, Zhang Bingwei, Zhang Jiaxin, Zhang Xiaotong, Zhang Yingming, Zhu Kai, Zimmerman Jess, Storch David, Baltzer Jennifer L., Anderson-Teixeira Kristina J., Mittelbach Gary G. and He Fangliang. Direct and indirect effects of climate on richness drive the latitudinal diversity gradient in forest trees. Ecology Letters, 2019, 22, 245-255.

          22. Lutz James A., Furniss Tucker J., Johnson Daniel J., Davies Stuart J., Allen David, Alonso Alfonso, Anderson-Teixeira Kristina J., Andrade Ana, Baitzer Jennifer, Becker Kendall M. L., Blomdahl Erika M. Bourg Norman A., Bunyavejchewin Sarayudh, Burslem David F. R. P. Cansler C. Alina, Cao Ke, Cao Min, Cardenas Dairon, Chang Liwan, Chao Kuojung, Chao Weichun, Chiang Jyh-Min, Chu Chengjin, Chuyong George B., Clay Keith, Condit Richard, Cordell Susan, Dattaraja Handanakere S., Duque Alvaro, Ewango Corneille E. N., Fischer Gunter A., Fletcher Christine, Freund James A., Giardina Christian, Germain Sara J., Gilbert Gregory S., Hao Zhanqing, Hart Terese, Hau Billy C. H., He Fangliang, Hector Andrew, Howe Robert W., Hsieh Changfu, Hu Yuehua, Hubbell Stephen P., Inman-Narahari Faith M., Itoh Akira, Janik David, Kassim Abdul Rahman, Kenfack David, Korte Lisa, Kral Kamil, Larson Andrew J., Li Yide, Lin Yiching, Liu Shirong, Lum Shawn, Ma Keping, Makana Jean-Remy, Malhi Yadvinder, Mcmahon Sean M., Mcshea William J., Memiaghe Herve R., Mi Xiangcheng, Morecroft Micharl, Musili Paul M., Myers Jonathan A., Novotny Vojtech, Oliveira Alexandre de, Ong Perry, Orwig David A., Osteryag Rebecca, Parker Geoffrey G., Patankar Rajit, Phillips Richard P., Reynolds Glen, Sack Lawren, Song Guo-Zhang M., Su Sheng-Hsin, Sukumar Raman, Sun I-Fang, Suresh Hebbalalu S., Swanson Mark E., Tan Sylvester, Thomas Duncan W., Thompson Jill, Uriarte Maria, Valencia Renato, Vicentini Alberto, Vrska Tomas, Wang Xugao, Weiblen George D., Wolf Amy, Wu Shu-Hui, Xu Han, Yamakura Takuo, Yap Sandra and Zimmerman Jess K. Global importance of large diameter trees. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2018, 27(7): 849-864.

          23. Chen Lei, Comita Liza S., Wright S. Joseph, Swenson Nathan G., Zimmerman Jess K., Mi Xiangcheng, Hao Zhanqing, Ye Wanhui, Hubbell Stephen P., Kress W. John, Uriarte Maria, Thompson Jill, Nytch Christopher J., Wang Xugao, Lian Juyu and Ma Keping*. Forest tree neighborhoods are structured more by negative conspecific density dependence than by interactions among closely related species. Ecography, 2018, 41: 1114-1123.

          24. Hu Yuehua*, Johnson Daniel J., Mi Xiangcheng, Wang Xugao, Ye Wanhui, Li Yide, Lian Juyu and Cao Min. The relative importance of space compared to topography increases from rare to common tree species across latitude. Journal of Biogeography, 2018, 45(11): 2520-2532.

          25. Wang Yunyun, Freckleton Robert P., Wang Bojian, Kuang Xu, Yuan Zuoqiang*, Lin Fei, Ye Ji, Wang Xugao and Hao Zhanqing. The role of breeding system in community dynamics: growth and mortality in forests of different successional stages. Ecology and Evolution, 2018, 8(15): 7285-7296.

          26. Yuan Zuoqiang, Ali Arshad, Wang Shaopeng, Gazol Antonio, Freckleton Robert, Wang Xugao, Lin Fei, Ye Ji, Zhou Li, Hao Zhanqing* and Loreau Michel. Abiotic and biotic determinants of coarse woody productivity in temperate mixed forests. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 630: 422-431.

          27. Wiegand Thorsten*, Uriarte María, Kraft Nathan J. B, Shen Guochun, Wang Xugao and He Fangliang. Spatially explicit metrics of species diversity, functional diversity, and phylogenetic diversity: insights into plant community assembly processes. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 2017, 48: 329-351.

          28. Uma?a María Natalia*, Mi Xiangcheng, Cao Min, Enquist Brian J., Hao Zhanqing, Howe Robert, Iida Yoshiko, Johnson Daniel, Lin Luxiang, Liu Xiaojuan, Ma Keping, Sun I-fang, Thompson Jill, Uriarte Maria, Wang Xugao, Wolf Amy, Yang Jie, Zimmerman Jess K. and Swenson Nathan G. The role of functional uniqueness and spatial aggregation in explaining rarity in trees. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2017, 26: 777-786.

          29. Kuang Xu, Zhu Kai, Yuan Zuoqiang, Lin Fei, Ye Ji, Wang Xugao, Wang Yunyun and Hao Zhanqing*. Conspecific density dependence and community structure: Insights from 11 years of monitoring in an old-growth temperate forest in Northeast China. Ecology and Evolution, 2017, 7(14): 5191-5200.

          30. Wang Yunyun, Zhang Jian, LaMontagne Jalene M., Lin Fei, Li Buhang, Ye Ji, Yuan Zuoqiang, Wang Xugao and Hao Zhanqing*. Variation and synchrony of tree species mast seeding in an oldgrowth temperate forest. Journal of Vegetation Science, 2017, 28(2): 413-423.

          31. Yao Fei, Yang Shan, Wang Zhirui, Wang Xue, Ye Ji, Wang Xugao, DeBruyn Jennifer M., Feng Xue, Jiang Yong and Li Hui*. Microbial Taxa Distribution Is Associated with Ecological Trophic Cascades along an Elevation Gradient. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2017, 8: 2071.

          32. Guo Qinghua*, Su Yanjun, Hu Tianyu, Zhao Xiaoqian, Wu Fangfang, Li Yumei, Liu Jin, Chen Linhai, Xu Guangcai, Lin Guanghui, Zheng Yi, Lin Yiqiong, Mi Xiangcheng, Lin Fei and Wang Xugao. An integrated UAV-borne lidar system for 3D habitat mapping in three forest ecosystems across China. International Journal of Remote sensing, 2017, 38: 2954-2972.

          33. Yuan Zuoqiang, Antonio Gazol, Wang Xugao, Lin Fei*, Ye Ji, Zhang Zhaochen, Suo Yanyan, Kuang Xu, Wang Yunyun, Jia Shihong and Hao Zhanqing. Pattern, dynamics and determinants of biomass stock in an old growth temperate forest: the role of habitat and tree size. Acta Oecologica, 2016, 75: 15-23.

          34. Yuan Zuoqiang, Antonio Gazol, Lin Fei*, Wang Xugao, Ye Ji, Suo Yanyan, Fang Shuai, Jarad Mellard and Hao Zhanqing. Scale-dependent effect of biotic interactions and environmental conditions in community assembly: insight from a large temperate forest plot. Plant Ecology, 2016, 217: 1003-1014.

          35. Suo Yanyan, Yuan Zuoqiang, Lin Fei, Wang Xugao, Ye Ji, Edith Bai and Hao Zhanqing*. Local-scale determinants of elemental stoichiometry of soil in an old-growth temperate forest. Plant and Soil, 2016, 408: 401-414.

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          38. Li Hui, Ye Dandan, Wang Xugao, Settles Matthew Lee, Wang Jun, Hao Zhanqing, Zhou Lisha, Dong Ping, Jiang Yong and Ma Zhanshan(Sam)*. Soil bacterial communities of different natural forest types in Northeast China. Plant and Soil, 2014, 383: 203-216.

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          40. Lin Fei, Comita Liza S., Wang Xugao, Bai Xuejiao, Yuan Zuoqiang, Xing Dingliang and Hao Zhanqing*. The contribution of understory light availability and biotic neighborhood to seedling survival in secondary versus old-growth temperate forest. Plant Ecology, 2014, 215: 795-807. 

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