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  植物种子生产的时空动态及潜在结实机制是决定种群动态及群落构建的重要生态过程(Norden et al.,2007;Canham et al.,2014)。种子生产大小年(Mast seeding)即多年生植物种群的种子生产在年内同步且年际间高度变异的现象(Kelly,2008),这种生产格局在大量物种中都有出现(Janzen,1976;Kelly 1994,Kelly & Sork 2002)。传粉效率增加和捕食者饱食(Janzen,1971)被认为是有利于mast seeding进化的两个主要的选择性压力(Nilsson & W?stljung 1987),而气候条件则是一个直接的作用因子(Schauber et al.,2002; Smaill et al.,2011)。

  在温带森林,许多优势物种都出现mast seeding这一现象(Silvertown 1980; Kelly & Sork 2002)。群落水平的种子生产的时空同步性,可以使一些自身种子产量甚至都不足以满足通食捕食者的物种受益(Cadotte et al 2006; Yi et al., 2011)。对森林群落水平上种子生产的长期监测的缺乏,阻碍了我们了解和预测植物群落对物种特定生殖压力和气候变化的响应(Ostfeld& Keesing 2000)。因此,在全球变暖的大背景下,探究森林生态系统更新及动态,特别是生殖动态及其导致的更新格局对森林具有广泛而深远的意义(Herrera et al., 1998; Kelly & Sork 2002)。


  研究结果以Variation and synchrony of tree species mast seeding in an old-growth temperate forest(DOI: 10.1111/jvs.12494)发表于Journal of Vegetation Science (IF= 3.151)。该研究得到中国国家重点研究与发展计划专项(2016YFC0500301),尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com国际合作项目(151221KYSB20130003, LFSE2014–03), 国家自然科学基金(413301057)资助。
Fig. 1Interannual seed production for 16 species (removing the four species presented in Fig. 4.2) in the order of descending seed abundance between the years 2006 and 2014. The full names of these species can be found in Table 4.1.

Fig. 2.Annual seed production for the four species that met the filtering criteria (synchrony) and with CVyear> 1 in the order of descending seed abundance from 2006 to 2014 in the Changbaishan, China (left panels). The dashed line represents the long-term mean seed production during the study. Filled squares represent mast seeding years for each species, and open dots are non–mast years. The full names of these species can be found in Table 1.

Fig. 3Mean (± SD) interannual variation of seed production (CVyear) weighted by seed abundance, for pollination vector (a) and dispersal mode (b) of 20 studied species. Significant differences of mean CVyear between vectors within each of these three reproductivetraits are indicated by different letters (ANOVA weighted by seed abundance of each species, P < 0.05).

