姜 勇,男,1968年1月生,河南信阳人,博士,现任尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com沈阳应用生态研究所研究员(二级)、土壤化学研究组学科带头人、草地生态与适应性管理创新团队首席科学家、所学术委员会委员,尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com大学资源与环境学院教授,河北大学特聘教授(生命科学学院),博士研究生导师。兼任辽宁省土壤学会理事长(法定代表人),中国土壤学会常务理事,中国植物营养与肥料学会监事,中国生态学会会员,International Association for Ecology会员,沈阳市农产品安全研究中心副主任,辽宁省农业科学院耕作栽培研究所学术委员会主任,辽宁省沙地治理与利用研究所学术委员会主任,吉林省草地畜牧重点实验室学术委员会委员,尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com额尔古纳森林与草地过渡带实验站学术委员会委员,尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com多伦恢复生态学实验站学术委员会委员,尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com沈阳应用生态研究所额尔古纳湿地生态站学术委员会委员,《应用生态学报》、《土壤通报》编委。曾任森林与土壤生态国家重点实验室常务副主任,尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com沈阳应用生态研究所科技处副处长和处长,中共尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com沈阳应用生态研究所纪委委员、农业中心党支部书记;沈阳市土肥站副站长,沈阳市农业检测中心副主任,沈阳市作物学会秘书长;辽宁省土壤学会第十届理事会秘书长,第十一届理事会副理事长;中国土壤学会第十二届和第十三届理事会理事;中国植物营养与肥料学会第八届理事会理事,第九届理事会常务理事;辽宁省"十三五"科技发展规划农业与农村生态环境领域专家组组长;国务院第三次土壤普查(2022-2025)草地土壤普查技术规程(初稿)编制组组长。
论文总被引用7500余次,单篇引用过百论文19篇,H因子54;Google Scholar中,总被引5500余次,H指数43;Web of Science中,SCI论文总被引3900余次,他引3600余次,H因子38。2022年入选Research.com中 World's Best Ecology and Evolution Scientists及World's Bset Plant Science and Agronomy Scientists榜单。
作为第一或通讯作者在Global Change Biology, New Phytologist, Ecology, Journal of Ecology (4), Science China Life Sciences (2), Global Biogeochemical Cycles, Soil Biology & Biochemistry (2), Earth's Future, Plant and Soil (12), Biology and Fertility of Soils, Soil Science Society of America Journal, Catena, Oecologia (2), Biogeosciences (4), Biogeochemistry, Science of the Total Environment (3), Journal of Environmental Management, Atmospheric Environment, Ecological Indicators, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, Ecology and Evolution, Microbial Ecology, Environmental and Experimental Botany (2), Tree Physiology, Journal of Plant Ecology, Journal of Plant Research, Journal of Arid Environments, Journal of Arid Land (2), Plant Soil and Environment (2), Ecological Processes, Pedosphere (3), Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Helminthologia, Scientific Reports, PLoS One等期刊发表SCI论文64篇;第一或通讯作者发表非SCI收录中英文论文59篇;合著专著8部(其中主编2部)。
https://people.ucas.edu.cn/~0002507 (姜勇-尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com大学)
1999.9-2002.6 尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com沈阳应用生态研究所生态学专业学习(在职)
1992.9-1995.7 沈阳农业大学土壤学专业学习,获农学硕士学位
1986.9-1990.7 沈阳农业大学土壤与农业化学专业学习,获农学学士学位
2022.05- 尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com沈阳应用生态研究所 研究员 博士生导师
2022.01- 河北大学(生命科学学院)特聘教授 博士生导师
2012.1-2022.04 尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com沈阳应用生态研究所研究员,土壤化学研究组组长
2011.11-2015.11 森林与土壤生态国家重点实验室 常务副主任
2008.11-2013.4 尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com沈阳应用生态研究所科技处 处长
2006.4-2008.11 尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com沈阳应用生态研究所科技处 副处长
2009.5- 尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com沈阳应用生态研究所研究员,博士研究生导师
2005.11-2009.4 尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com沈阳应用生态研究所研究员,硕士研究生导师
2002.10-2005.10 尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com沈阳应用生态研究所副研究员,硕士研究生导师
2002.7-2002.10 尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com沈阳应用生态研究所助理研究员
2002.1-2002.6 辽宁省沈阳市政府办公厅农经处 副处级调研员
1995.7-2001.12 辽宁省沈阳市农业局科教处副主任科员、主任科员、副处级调研员 辽宁省沈阳市土肥站 副站长
1990.8-1992.8 河南省信阳县(现信阳市平桥区)农业技术推广中心助理农艺师
134. Su J, Zhang HY, Han XG, Lv RF, Liu L, Jiang Y, Li H, Kuzyakov Y, Wei CZ*. 2023. 15300-year -old soil carbon is less primed than young soil organic matter. Global Change Biology, 29: 260-275
DOI: 10.1111/gcb.16463 (Q1, IF: 13.211)
133.Wang YL, Niu GX, Wang RZ, Rousk K, Li A, Hasi M, Wang CH, Xue JG, Yang GJ, Lü XT, Jiang Y, Han XG*, Huang JH*. 2023. Enhanced foliar 15N enrichment with increasing N addition rates: Do plant life forms and N compounds matter? Global Change Biology,
DOI: 10.1111/gcb.16555 (Q1, IF: 13.211)
132. He P, Fontana S, Ma CC, Liu HY, Xu L, Wang RZ, Jiang Y*, Li MH. 2023. leaf traits to explain species co-existence and its consequences for primary productivity across a forest-steppe ecotone. Science of the Total Environment, 859(1): 160139
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022. 160139 (Q1, IF: 10.753)
131. Xu ZW*, Liu HY, Meng YN, Yin JF, Ren HY, Li MH, Yang S, Tang SM, Jiang Y*, Jiang L*. 2023. Nitrogen addition and mowing alter drought resistance and recovery of grassland communities. Science China Life Sciences,
DOI: 10.1007/s11427-022-2217-9 (Q1, IF: 10.372)
130. Zhang Y, Wang RZ*, Sardans J, Wang B, Gu BT, Li YY, Liu HY, Pe?uelas J, Jiang Y. 2023. Resprouting ability differs among plant functional groups along a soil acidification gradient in a meadow: A rhizosphere perspective. Journal of Ecology,
DOI:10.1111/1365-2745.14051 (Q1, IF: 6.381)
129. Feng X#, Wang RZ#, Li TP, Cai JP, Liu HY, Wang B, Lü XT, Jiang Y*. 2023. Nutrient resorption tightens plant nitrogen and phosphorus coupling and decreases with sulfur deposition as mediated by interannual precipitation in a meadow. Plant and Soil
DOI: 10.1007/s11104-022-05408-2 (Q1, IF: 4.993)
128. Meng YN#, Li TP#, Liu HY, Li SP, Xu ZW*, Jiang Y*. 2023. Legacy effects of nitrogen deposition and increased precipitation on plant productivity in a semi-arid grassland. Plant and Soil
DOI: 10.1007/s11104-022-05550-x (Q1, IF: 4.993)
127. Cai JP, Fu JL, Liu HY, Li TP, Feng X, Lu JY, Jiang Y*. 2023. Divergent mineral nutrient absorptions by plant species of different families and functional groups to nitrogen and water addition in a semi-arid grassland. Plant and Soil
DOI: 10.1007/s11104-023-05904-z (Q1, IF: 4.993)
126. Cai JP, Weiner J, Luo WT, Feng X, Yang GJ, Lu JY, Lü XT, Li MH, Han XG*, Jiang Y*. 2023. Functional structure mediates the responses of productivity to addition of three nitrogen forms in a meadow steppe. Oecologia,
DOI:10.1007/s00042-022-05130-9 (Q2, IF: 3.298)
125. Lü J, Wang RZ*, Sardans J, Pe?uelas J, Jiang Y, Han XG. An integrative review of drivers and responses of grassland phenology under global change. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, (Q1, IF: 6.289).
124. Su J, Zhang HY, Han, XG, Pe?uelas J, Filimonenko E, Jiang Y, Kuzyakov Y, Wei CZ*. 2022. Low carbon availablity in paleosols nonlinearly attenuates temperature sensitivity of SOM decomposition. Global Change Biology, 28(13): 4180-4193
DOI: 10.1111/gcb.16183 (Q1, IF: 13.211)
123. Peng Y, Yang JX, Leitch IJ, Guignard M, Seabloom E, Cao D, Zhao FY, Li HL, Han XG, Jiang Y, Leitch A, Wei CZ*. 2022. Plant genome size modulates grassland community responses to multi-nutrient additions. New Phytologist, 236: 2091-2102
DOI:10.1111/nph18496 (Q1, IF: 10.323)
122. Wang RZ, Bicharanloo B, Hou EQ*, Jiang Y*, Dijkstra FA. 2022. Phosphorus supply increases nitrogen transformation rates and retention in soil: a global meta-analysis. Earth's Future, 10: e2021EF002479
DOI: 10.1029/2021EF002479 (Q1, IF: 8.852)
121. Yang S, Li H*, Wu H, Wang ZR, , Semenov M, Ye J, Wang XG, Kravchenko I, Semenov V, Kuzyakov Y, Jiang Y. 2022. Linkages between temperature sensitivity of soil respiration and microbial ecological strategy are dependent on sampling season. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 172: 108758
DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2002.108758 (Q1, IF: 8.546)
120. Zhang AL, Li XY*, Zeng FJ, Jiang Y, Wang RZ. 2022. Variation characteristics of different plant functional groups in alpine desert steppe of the Altun Mountains, northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13: 961692
DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2022.961692 (Q1, IF: 6.627)
119. Wang RZ#, Yang JJ#, Liu HY#, Sardans J, Zhang YH, Wang XB, Wei CZ, Lü XT, Dijkstra F, Jiang Y, Han XG*, Pe?uelas J. 2022. Nitrogen enrichment buffers phosphorus limitation by mobilizing mineral-bound soil phosphorus in grasslands. Ecology, 103: e1636
DOI: 10.1002/ecy.3616 (Q1, IF: 6.431)
118. Zhao M, Zhang HX, Baskin C, Wei CZ, Yang JJ, Zhang YH, Jiang Y, Jiang L, Han XG*. 2022. Intra-annual species gain overrides species loss in determining species richness in a typical steppe ecosystem after a decade of nitrogen enrichment. Journal of Ecology, 110(8):1942-1956
DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745-13928 (Q1, IF: 6.381)
117. Wang RZ, Lu JY, Jiang Y*, Dijkstra FA. 2022. Carbon efficiency for nutrient acquisition (CENA) by plants: role of nutrient availability and microbial symbiont. Plant and Soil, 476(1-2): 289-300
DOI: 10.1007/s11104-022-05347-y (Q1, IF: 4.993)
116. Li YY, Wang RZ*, Liu HY, Feng X, Wang B, Wang ZR, Li H, Yang LJ*, Jiang Y. 2022. Synergistic interactions between zinc and nitrogen addition in promoting plant Zn uptake as counteracted by mowing management in a meadow grassland. Plant and Soil, 473(1-2): 305-318
DOI: 10.1007/s11104-021-05286-0 (Q1, IF: 4.993)
115. Li H#, Yang S#, Semenov M, Yao F, Ye J, Bu RC, Ma RA, Lin JJ, Kurganova I, Wang XG, Deng Y, Kravchenko I, Jiang Y*, Kuzyakov Y. 2021. Temperature sensitivity of SOM decomposition is linked with a K-selected microbial community. Global Change Biology, 27(12): 2763-2779
DOI: 10.1111/gcb.15593 (Q1, IF: 13.211)
114. Zhang AL, Olatunji OA, Tariq A, Li TP, Wang RZ, Jiang Y*. 2021. Sulfur deposition changed the community structure of soil nematodes by affecting omnivores-predators. Science of the Total Environment, 771: 144912
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.144912 (Q1, IF: 10.753)
113. Wang RZ, Bicharanloo B, Shirvan MB, Cavagnaro TR, Jiang Y*, Keitel C, Dijkstra FA. 2021. A novel 13C pulse-labelling method to quantify the contribution of rhizodeposits to soil respiration in a grassland exposed to drought and nitrogen addition. New Phytologist, 230(2): 857-866
DOI: 10.1111/nph.17118 (Q1, IF: 10.323)
112. Liu HY, Wang RZ*, Lü XT, Cai JP, Feng X, Yang GJ, Li H, Zhang YG, Han XG, Jiang Y. 2021. Effects of nitrogen addition on plant-soil micronutrients vary with nitrogen form and mowing management in a meadow steppe. Environmental Pollution, 289: 11796
DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2021.117969 (Q1, IF: 9.988)
111. Wang RZ, Pe?uelas J, Li T, Liu HY, Wu H, Zhang YG, Sardans J, Jiang Y*. 2021. Natural abundance of 13C and 15 N provides evidence for plant-soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a N-fertilized meadow. Ecology, e3348
DOI: 10.1002/ecy.3348 (Q1, IF: 6.431)
110. Wang RZ, Cavagnaro TR, Jiang Y*, Keitel C, Dijkstra FA. 2021. Carbon allocation to the rhizosphere is affected by drought and nitrogen addition. Journal of Ecology, 109: 1699-1709
DOI:10.1111/1365-2745.13746 (Q1, IF: 6.381)
109. Wang RZ, Cresswell T, Johansen MP, Harrison JJ, Jiang Y*, Keitel C, Cavagnaro TR, Dijkstra FA. 2021. Re-allocation of nitrogen and phosphorus from roots drives regrowth of grasses and sedges after defoliation under deficit irrigation and nitrogen enrichment. Journal of Ecology, 109: 4071-4080
DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745-13778 (Q1, IF: 6.381)
108. Zhang AL, Wu SX, Li L, Jiang Y, Wang RZ, Zeng FJ, Lin LS, Li L, Li XY*. 2021. Spatial pattern of C: N: P stoichiometric of soil and grassland communities in the Altunshan Nature Reserve at North Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Catena, 207: 105691
DOI:10.1016/j.catena.2021.105691 (Q1, IF: 6.367)
107. Wang ZH#, Wang ZR#, Li TP, Wang C, Dang N, Wang RZ, Jiang Y, Wang HY*, Li H*. N and P fertilization enhanced carbon decomposition function by shifting microbes towards an r-selected community in meadow grassland soils. Ecological Indicators, 132: 108306
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.108306 (Q1, IF: 6.263)
106. Wang RZ#, Lü LY#, Cao YZ, Sardans J, Liu HY, Li B, Zhang YG, Pe?uelas J, Dijkstra FA, Jiang Y*. 2021. Stability of elemental content correlates with plant resistance to soil impoverishment. Plant and Soil, 467: 213-226
DOI: 10.1007/s11104-021-05079-5(Q1, IF: 4.993)
105. Li TP, Wang RZ, Cai JP, Meng YN, Wang ZR, Feng X, Liu HY, Turco RF, Jiang Y*. 2021. Enhanced carbon acquisition and use efficiency alleviate microbial carbon relative to nitrogen limitation under soil acidification. Ecological Processes, 10: 32
DOI: 10.1186/s13717-021-00309-1 (Q2, IF: 4.394)
104. Niu GX, Wang RZ, Hasi MQ, Wang YL, Geng QQ, Wang CH, Jiang Y, Huang JH*. 2021. Availability of soil base cations and micronutrients along soil profile after 13-year nitrogen and water addition in a semi-arid grassland. Biogeochemistry, 152(2-3): 223-236
DOI:10.1007/s10533-020-00749-5 (Q1, IF: 4.825)
103.Wang X*, Wang M, Tao YM, Fang NN, Yang GJ, Cai, JP, Jiang Y, Han XG, Yu FH, Li MH. 2021. Beneficial effects of nitrogen deposition on carbon and nitrogen accumulation in grasses over other species in Inner Mongolian grasslands. Global Ecology and Conservation, e01507
DOI: 10.1016/j.gecco.2021.e01507 (Q2, IF: 3.969)
102. Wang X, Yu FH*, Jiang Y, Li MH. 2021. Carbon and nutrient physiology in shrubs at the upper limits: a multi-species study. Journal of Plant Ecology, 14(2): 301-309
DOI: 10.1093/jpe/rtaa097 (Q3, IF: 1.78)
101. Shi Z, Weiner J, Cavalieri A,Liu HY, Li TP, Cai JP*, Jiang Y. 2021. The interaction between N and P addition on grassland soil acid buffering capacity is regulated by precipitation. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 67(7): 222-232
DOI: 10.1080/00380768.2021.1892457 (Q3, IF: 1.929)
100. Wang RZ#, Wu H#, Sardans J, Li TP, Liu HY, Pe?uelas J, Dijkstra FA, Jiang Y*. 2020. Carbon storage and plant-soil linkages among soil aggregates as affected by nitrogen enrichment and mowing management in a meadow grassland. Plant and Soil, 457: 407-420
DOI: 10.1007/s11104-020-04749-0 (Q1, IF: 4.993)
99. Wang ZR#, Yang S#, Wang RZ, Xu ZW, Feng K, Feng X, Li TP, Liu HY, Ma RA, Li H*, Jiang Y. 2020. Compositional and functional responses of soil microbial communities to long-term nitrogen and phosphorus addition in a calcareous grassland. Pedobioliga, 78: 150612
DOI: 10.1016/j.pedobi.2019.150612 (Q3, IF: 2.128)
98. He P,Fontana S,Sardans J*,Penuelas J,Gessler A,Schaub M,Rigling A,Li H,Jiang Y*,Li MH. 2019. The biogeochemical niche shifts of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica along an environmental gradient. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 167: 103825
DOI: 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2019.103825 (Q1, IF: 6.028).
97. Li H#, Zhang YY#, Yang S, Wang ZR, Feng X, Liu HY, Jiang Y*. 2019. Variations in soil bacterial taxonomic profiles and putative functions in response to straw incorporation combined with N fertilization during the maize growing season. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 283: 106578
DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2019.106578 (Q1, IF: 6.576)
96. Li SL, Gurmesa GA, Zhu WX, Gundersen P, Zhang SS, Xi D, Huang SN, Wang A, Zhu FF, Jiang Y, Zhu JJ, Fang YT*. 2019. Fate of atmospherically deposited NH4+ and NO3- in two temperate forests in China: temporal pattern and redistribution. Ecological Applications, 29 (6): e1920
DOI: 10.1002/esp.1920 (Q1, IF: 6.105)
95. Yang S, Yao F, Ye J, Fang S, Wang ZR, Wang RZ, Zhang QL, Ma RO, Wang XG, Jiang Y, Dorodnikov M, Li H*, Zou HT*. 2019. Latitudinal pattern of soil lignin/cellulose content and the activity of their degrading enzymes across a temperate forest ecosystem. Ecological Indicators, 102: 557-568
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.03.009 (Q1, IF: 6.263)
94. Wang RZ, Dijkstra FA, Liu HY, Yin JF, Wang X, Feng X, Xu ZW, Jiang Y*. 2019. Response of soil carbon to nitrogen and water addition differs between labile and recalcitrant fractions: evidence from multi–year data and different soil depths in a semi-arid steppe. Catena, 712: 857-865
DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2018.08.034 (Q1, IF: 6.367)
93. Li TP#, Liu HY#, Wang RZ*, Lü XT, Yang JJ, Zhang YH, He P, Wang ZR, Han XG, Jiang Y*. 2019. Frequency and intensity of nitrogen addition alter soil inorganic sulfur fractions but the effects vary with mowing management in a temperate steppe. Biogeosciences 16: 2891-2904
DOI: 10.5194/bg-16-2891-2019 (Q1, IF: 5.092)
92. Liu HY, Wang RZ*, Wang HY, Cao YZ, Dijkstra FA, Shi Z, Cai JP, Wang ZW, Zou HT*, Jiang Y. 2019. Exogenous phosphorus compounds interact with nitrogen availability to regulate dynamics of soil inorganic phosphorus fractions in a meadow steppe. Biogeosciences, 16: 4293-4306
DOI: 10.5194/bg-16-4293-2019 (Q1, IF: 5.092)
91. Feng X, Yu Q, Wang RZ*, Cao YZ, Zhang YG, Yang LJ*, Dijkstra FA, Jiang Y. 2019. Decoupling of plant and soil metal nutrients as affected by nitrogen addition in a meadow steppe. Plant and Soil, 443: 337-351
DOI:10.1007/s11104-019-04217-4 (Q1, IF: 4.993)
90. Wang X, Jiang Y, Ren HY, Yu FH, Li MH. 2019. Leaf and soil δ15N patterns along elevational gradients at both treelines and shrublines in three different climate zones. Forests, 10(7): e557
DOI: 10.3390/f10070557 (Q2, IF: 3.282)
89. He P, Fontana S, Sui X, Gessler A, Schaub M, Rigling A, Jiang Y*, Li MH*. 2018. Scale dependent responses of pine reproductive traits to experimental and natural precipitation gradients. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 156: 62-73
DOI: 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2018.08.028 (Q1, IF: 6.028)
88. Wang RZ, Zhang YH, He P, Yin JF, Yang JJ, Liu HY, Cai JP, Shi Z, Feng X, Dijkstra FA, Han XG, Jiang Y*. 2018. Intensity and frequency of nitrogen addition alter soil chemical properties depending on mowing management in a temperate steppe. Journal of Evironmental Management, 224: 77-86
DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2018.07.036 (Q1, IF: 8.91)
87. Xu ZW, Li MH, Zimmermann N, Li SP, Li H, Ren HY, Sun H, Hang XG, Jiang Y*, Jiang L*. 2018. Plant functional diversity modulates global environmental change effects on grassland productivity. Journal of Ecology, 106: 1941-1951
DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.12951 (Q1, IF: 6.381)
86. Wang RZ#, Wang X#, Jiang Y*, Cerdà A, Yin JF, Liu HY, Feng X, Shi Z,Dijkstra FA, Li M-H. Soil properties determine the elevational patterns of base cations and micronutrients in plant-soil system up to the upper limits of trees and shrubs. Biogeosciences, 15: 1763-1774
DOI: 10.5194/bg-15-1763-2018 (Q1, IF: 5.092).
85. Li MH#, Jiang Y#, Wang A, Li XB, Zhu WZ, Yan CF, Du Z, Shi Z, Lei JP, Sch?nbeck L, He P, Yu FH, Wang X*. 2018. Active summer carbon storage for winter persistence in trees at the cold alpine treeline. Tree Physiology, 38: 1345-1355
DOI: 10.1093/treephys/tpy020 (#contributed equally. Q1, IF: 4.561).
84. Li H, Xu ZW, Yang S, Van Nostrand, Wang ZR, Zhou JZ, Jiang Y*, Deng Y*. 2018. Soil microbial beta-diversity is linked with compositional variation in aboveground plant biomass in a semi-arid grassland. Plant and Soil, 423: 465-480
DOI: 10.1007/s11104-017-3524-2 (Q1, IF: 4.993)
83.Wang A#, Wang X#, Togentti R, Lei JP, Pan HL, Liu XL, Wang XY, He P, Yu FH*, Jiang Y, Li MH*. 2018. Elevation alters carbon sinkds, nutrients concentritions and stoichiometry in Quercus aquifolioides in southern China. Science of the Total Environment, 622/623: 1463-1475
DOI: 10.1016/J.scitotenv.2017.12.070 (Q1, IF: 10.751)
82. Yao F, Yang S, Wang ZR, Wang X, Ye J, Wang XG, DeBruyn JM, Feng X, Jiang Y, Li H*. 2017. Microbial taxa distribution is associated with ecological trophic cascades along an elevation gradient. Frontiers in Microbiology, 8: 2071
DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.02071 (Q1, IF: 6.064)
81. Cai JP, Luo WT, Liu HY, Feng X, Zhang YY, Wang RZ, Xu ZW, Zhang YG, Jiang Y*. 2017. Precipitation-mediated responses of soil acid buffering capacity to long-term nitrogen addition in a semi-arid grassland. Atmospheric Environment, 170: 312-318
DOI: 10.1016.j.atmosenv.2017.9.54 (Q1, IF: 5.755)
80. Yang S, Xu ZW, Wang RZ, Zhang YY, Yao F, Zhang YG, Turco RF, Jiang Y, Zou HT, Li H*. 2017. Variations in soil microbial community composition and enzymatic activities in response to increased N deposition and precipitation in Inner Mongolian grassland. Applied Soil Ecology, 119: 275-285
DOI: 10.1016/j.apsoil.2017.06.041(Q1, IF: 5.509)
79. Luo WT, Li MH, Sardans J, Lv XT, Wang C, Penuelas J, Wang ZW, Han XG, Jiang Y*. 2017. Carbon and nitrogen allocation shifts in plants and soils along aridity and fertility gradients in grasslands of China. Ecology and Evolution, 7: 6927-6934
DOI: 10.1002/ece.3.3245 (Q2, IF: 3.167)
78. Wang X#, Xu ZW#, Lü XT, Wang RZ, Cai JP, Yang S, Li MH*, Jiang Y*. 2017. Responses of litter decomposition and nutrient release rate to water and nitrogen addition differed among three plant species dominated in a semi-arid grassland. Plant and Soil, 418: 241-253
DOI: 10.1007/s11104-017-3288-8 (Q1, IF: 4.993)
77. Ren HY#, Xu ZW#, Isbell F, Huang JH, Han XG, Wan SQ, Chen SP, Wang RZ, Zeng DH, Jiang Y, Fang YT*. 2017. Exacerbated nitrogen limitation ends transient stimulation of grassland productivity by increased precipitation. Ecological Monographs, 87: 457-469
DOI: 10.1002/ecm.1262 (Q1, IF: 9.814)
76. Wang RZ, Lü LY, Creamer CA, Dijkstra FA, Liu HY, Feng X, Yu GQ, Han XG, Jiang Y*. 2017. Alteration of soil carbon and nitrogen pools and enzyme activities as affected by increased soil coarseness, Biogeosciences,14: 2155-2166
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75. Li H, Yang S, Xu ZW,Yang QY, Li XB, van Nostrand JD, He ZL,Yao F, Han XG, Zhou JZ, Deng Y*, Jiang Y*. 2017. Responses of soil microbial functional genes to global changes are indirectly influenced by aboveground plant biomass variation. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 104: 18-29
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74. Wang RZ, Dorodnikov M, Dijkstra F, Yang S, Zu ZW, Li H, Jiang Y*. 2017. Sensitivities to nitrogen and water addition vary among microbial groups within soil aggregates in a semi-arid grassland. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 53: 129-140
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73. Wang RZ, Zhang YL*, Cerda? A, Cao MM, Zhang YY, Yin JF, Jiang Y, Chen LJ. 2017. Changes in soil chemical properties as affected by pyrogenic organic matter amendment with different intensity and frequency. Geoderma, 289:161-168
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71. Wang RZ, Dungait JAJ, Buss HL, Yang S, Zhang YG, Xu ZW, Jiang Y*. 2016. Base cations and micronutrients in soil aggregates as affected by enhanced nitrogen and water inputs in a semi-arid steppe grassland. Science of the Total Environment, 575: 564-572
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70. Xu ZW, Ren HY, Li MH, Brunner I, Yin JF, Liu HY, Kong DL, Lü XT, Sun T, Cai JP, Wang RZ, Zhang YY, He P, Han XG, Wan SQ, Jiang Y*. 2017. Experimentally increased water and nitrogen affect root production and vertical allocation of an old-field grassland. Plant and Soil, 412: 369-380
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69. Wang X, Xu ZW, Yan CF, Luo WT, Wang RZ, Han XG, Jiang Y*, Li MH. 2017. Responses and sensitivity of N, P and mobile carbonhydrates of dominant species to increased water, N and P availablity in semi-arid grasslands in northern China. Journal of Plant Ecology, 410: 486-496
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67. Zhang YY, Zhang SQ, Wang RZ, Cai JP, Zhang YG, Li H, Huang SM*, Jiang Y*. 2016. Impacts of fertilization practices on pH and the pH buffering capacity of calcareous soil. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 62: 432-439
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64. Luo WT, Dijkstra FA, Bai E, Feng J, Lü XT, Wang C, Wu HH, Li MH, Han XG, Jiang Y*. 2016. A threshold reveals decoupled relationship of sulfur with carbon and nitrogen in soils across arid and semi-arid grasslands in northern China. Biogeochemistry, 127: 141-153
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63.Li H, Xu ZW, Yang S, Li XB, Top E, Wang RZ, Zhang YG, Cai JP, Yao F, Han XG, Jiang Y*. 2016. Responses of soil bacterial communities to nitrogen deposition and precipitation increment are closely linked with aboveground community variation. Microbial Ecology, 71(4): 974-989.
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62. Wang RZ, Creamer CA, Wang X, He P. Xu ZW, Jiang Y*. 2016. The effects of a 9-year nitrogen and water addition on soil aggregate phosphorus and sulfur availability in a semi-arid grassland. Ecological Indicators, 61: 806-814.
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60. Luo WT,Sardans S, Dijkstra FA, Pe?uelas J, Lü XT, Wu HH, Li MH, Bai E, Wang ZW, Han XG, Jiang Y*. Thresholds in decoupled soil-plant elements under changing climatic conditions. Plant and Soil, 409, 159-173
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59. Lü LY,Wang RZ*, Liu HY, Yin JF, Xiao JT, Wang ZW, Zhao Y, Yu GQ, Han XG, Jiang Y. 2016. Effect of soil coarseness on soil base cations and available micronutrients in a semi-arid sandy grassland, Solid Earth, 7: 549-556.
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58. Yin JF, Wang RZ*, Liu HY, Feng X, Xu ZW, Jiang Y. 2016. Nitrogen addition alters elemental stoichiometry within soil aggregates in a temperate steppe. Solid Earth, 7: 1565-1575
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56. Wang C, Liu DW, Luo WT, Fang YT, Lü XT, Jiang Y, Han XG, Bai E*. 2016. Variations in leaf carbon isotope composition along an arid and semi-arid grassland transect in Northern China. Journal Plant Ecology, 9: 576-585
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54. Xu ZW?, Ren HY?, Li MH, van Ruijven J, Han XG, Wan SQ, Li H, Yu Q, Jiang Y*, Jiang L*. 2015. Environmental changes drive the temporal stability of semi-arid natural grasslands through altering species asynchrony. Journal of Ecology, 103: 1308-1316.
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52. Luo WT, Elser JJ, Lv XT, Wang ZW, Bai E, Yan CF, Wang C, Li MH, Zimmermann NE, Han XG, Xu ZW, Li H, Wu YN, Jiang Y*. 2015. Plant nutrients do not covary with soil nutrients under changing climatic conditions. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 29: 1298–1308
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51. Li XB, Top EM, Wang YF, Brown C, Yao F, Yang S, Jiang Y,Li H*. 2015. The broad-host-range plasmid pSFA231 isolated from petroleum-contaminated sediment represents a new member of the PromA family. Frontiers in Microbiology, 5: 777.
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50. Wang RZ, Dorodnikov M, Yang S, Zhang YY, Filley TR, Turco RF, Zhang YG, Xu ZW, Li H,Jiang Y*. 2015. Responses of enzymatic activities within soil aggregates to 9-year nitrogen and water addition in a semi-arid grassland. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 81: 159-167
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49. Luo WT, Nelson PN, Li MH, Cai JP, Zhang YY, Zhang YG, Shan Y, Wang RZ, Wang ZW, Wu YN, Han XG, Jiang Y*. 2015. Contrasting pH buffering patterns in neutral-alkaline soils along a 3600 km transect in northern China. Biogeosciences, 12: 7047-7056
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48. Xu ZW?,Ren HY?, Cai JP, Wang RZ, He P, Li MH, Lewis BJ, Han XG, Jiang Y*. 2016. Antithetical effects of nitrogen and water availability on community similarity of semiarid grasslands: Evidence from a nine-year manipulation experiment. Plant and Soil, 397: 357-369
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47. Wang RZ, Dungait JAJ, Creamer CA, Cai JP, Li B, Xu ZW, Zhang YG, Ma YN, Jiang Y*. 2015. Carbon and nitrogen dynamics in soil aggregates under long-term N and water addition in a temperate steppe. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 79: 527-535
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46. Zhang YG, Yang S, Fu MM, Cai JP, Zhang YY, Wang RZ, Xu ZW, Bai YF, Jiang Y*. 2015. Sheep manure application increases soil exchangeable base cations in a semi-arid steppe. Journal of Arid Land, 7(3): 361-369
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45. Xu ZW*, Ren HY, Cai JP, Wang RZ, Li MH, Han XG*, Lewis BJ, Jiang Y*. 2014. Effects of experimentally enhanced precipitation and nitrogen on resistance, recovery and resilience of plant cover in a semi-arid grassland following a natural drought. Oecologia, 176: 1187-1197
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44. Li H,Ye DD, Wang XG, Settles M, Wang J, Hao ZQ, Zhou LS, Dong P, Jiang Y, Ma ZS*. 2014. Bacterial communities in soils under different types of natural forest in Northeast China. Plant and Soil, 383: 203-216.
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43. Wang RZ, Filley TR, Xu ZW, Wang X, Li MH, Zhang YG, Luo WT, Jiang Y*. 2014. Coupled response of soil carbon and nitrogen pools and enzyme activities to nitrogen and water addition in a semiarid grassland of Inner Mongolia. Plant and Soil. 381(1): 323-336.
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42. Zhang YG, Zhang YY, Cai JP, Zhu P, Gao HJ, Jiang Y*.2014. Variation in available micronutrients in black soil after 30 year fertilization treatment. Plant, Soil and Environment. 60(9): 387-393 (Q2, IF: 1.799)
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40. Luo WT, Jiang Y, Lv XT, Wang X, Li MH, Bai E, Han XG, Xu ZW*. 2013. Patterns of plant biomass allocation in temperate grasslands across a 2500-km transect in northern China. PLoS ONE, 8(8): e71749
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39. Chen YL, Xu ZW, Hu HW, Hu YJ, Hao ZP, Jiang Y, Chen BD. 2013. Responses of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea to nitrogen fertilization and precipitation increment in a typical temperate steppe in Inner Mongolia. Applied Soil Ecology, 68: 36-45
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38. Lei JP, Xiao WF*, Liu JF*, Xiong DP, Wang P, Pan L, Jiang Y, Li MH. 2013. Responses of nutrients and mobile carbohydrates in Quercus variabilis seedlings to environmental variations using in situ and ex situ experiments. PLoS ONE, 8(4), e61192
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37. Zhang YG, Xu ZW, Jiang DM, Jiang Y*. 2013. Soil exchangeable base cations along a chronosequence of Caragana microphylla plantation in a semi-arid sandy land. Journal of Arid Land, 5(1): 42-50
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36. Xu ZW, Wan SQ, Ren HY, Han XG, Jiang Y*. 2012. Influences of land use history and short-term nitrogen addition on community structure in temperate grasslands. Journal of Arid Environments, 87: 103-109 (Q3, IF: 2.211)
35. Xu ZW, Wan SQ, Ren HY, Han XG, Li MH, Cheng WX, Jiang Y*. 2012. Effects of water and nitrogen addition on species turnover in temperate grasslands in northern China. PLoS ONE, 7(6): e39762
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33. Fu MM, Jiang Y*, Bai YF, Zhang YG, Xu ZW, Li B. 2012. Variation in soil Mn fractionations as affected by long-term manure amendment using atomic absorption spectrophotometer in a typical grassland of inner Mongolia. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 32(8): 2238-2241
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32. Li Q, Bao XL, Lu CY, Zhang XK, Zhu JG, Jiang Y, Liang WJ. 2012. Soil microbial food web responses to free-air ozone enrichment depend on the tolerance of wheat cultivars, Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 47: 27-35
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31. Zhang M, Zhang XK, Liang WJ, Jiang Y*, Dai GH, Wang XG, Han SJ. 2011.Distribution of soil organic carbon fractions along the altitudinal gradient in the northern slope of Changbai Mountain. Pedosphere, 21(5): 615-620 (Q1, IF: 5.514)
30. Li Q, Jiang Y, Liang WJ, Lou YL, Zhang EP, Liang CH. 2010. Long-term effect of fertility management on the soil nematode community in vegetable production under greenhouse conditions. Applied Soil Ecology, 46: 111-118
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29. Hao W, Li Q, Zhang JN, Jiang Y, Liang WJ. 2010. Utility of nematode Acrobeloides nanus for assessing subacute toxicity of heavy metals. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 164: 273-278
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26. Tomar VVS, Zhang XK, Jiang Y, Li Q, Liang WJ. 2009. Distribution of soil nematode communities along a section of Shen-Ha Highway. Helminthologia, 46(4): 241-246.
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25. Li Q, Jiang Y, Liang WJ, Hou XK, Jiang SW. 2009. Nematode Diversity in Phaeozem Agroecosystems of Northeast China. Pedosphere, 19(5): 597-605 (Q1, IF: 5.514)
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22. Liu XM, Li Q, Liang WJ, Jiang Y. 2008. Distribution of soil enzyme activities and microbial biomass along a latitudinal gradient in farmland of songliao plain, Northeast China. Pedosphere, 18(4): 431-440
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21. Li Q, Liang WJ, Jiang Y, Shi Y, Zhu JG, Neher DA. 2007. Effect of elevated CO2 and N fertilisation on soil nematode abundance and diversity in a wheat field. Applied Soil Ecology, 36(1): 63-69
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20. Liang WJ, Zhong S, Hua JF, Cao CY, Jinag Y. 2007. Nematode faunal response to grassland degradation in Horqin Sandy Land. Pedosphere, 17(5): 611-618.
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19. Zhang WD, Wang XF, Li Q, Jiang Y, Liang WJ. 2007. Soil nematode responses to heavy metal stress. Helminthologia, 44 (2): 87-93.
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15. Li Q, Jiang Y, Liang WJ. 2006. Influence of heavy metals on soil nematode communities in the vicinity of a metallurgical factory. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 18(2): 323-328 (Q1, IF: 6.796)
14. Hua JF, Jiang Y, Liang WJ. 2006. Responses of nematode communities in a brown soil tourease and nitrification inhibitors - amended slow-release urea fertilizers. Pedosphere, 16(4): 428-434.
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13. Zhang XK, Li Q, Wang SB, Jiang Y, Liang WJ. 2006. Effect of zinc addition in soil on nematode community structure. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 76: 589-594.
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12. Jiang Y,Liang WJ, Wen DZ, Zhang YG, Chen WB. 2005.Spatial heterogeneity of DTPA-extractable zinc in cultivated soils induced by city pollution and land use.Science in China Series C, 48: 82-91.
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11. Jiang Y, Zhang YG, Liang WJ, Li Q. 2005. Pedogenicand anthropogenic influence on calcium and magnesium behaviors in Stagnic Anthrosols. Pedosphere, 15(3): 341-346(Q1, IF: 5.514)
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9. Liang WJ, Jiang Y, Li Q, Liu YJ, Wen DZ. 2005. Spatial distribution of bacterivorous nematodes in a Chinese Ecological Research Network (CERN) site. Ecological Research, 20(4): 481-486
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8. Liang WJ, Zhang XK, Li Q, Jiang Y, Ou W, Neher DA. 2005. Distribution of bacterivorous nematodes under different land uses. Journal of Nematology, 37(3): 254-258 (Q2, IF: 1.402)
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6. Wang P,Liang WJ, Kong CH, Jiang Y. 2005. Allelopathic potentials of volatile allelochemicals of Ambrosia trifida L. on other plants. Allelopathy Journal, 15(1): 131-136(Q3, IF: 0.962)
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3. Kong CH, Liang WJ, Xu XH, Hu F, Wang P, Jiang Y. 2004. Release and activity of allelochemicals from allelopathic rice seedlings. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52(10): 2861-2865
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1.Liang WJ, Li Q, Jiang Y, Chen WB, Wen DZ. 2003. The effect of cultivation on the spatial distribution of nematode trophic groups in black soil. Pedosphere, 13(2): 97-102(Q1, IF: 5.514)
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51. 姜 勇*. 2009. 森林生态系统微量元素循环及其影响因素分析. 应用生态学报, 20(1): 197-204
50. 秦 莹, 娄翼来, 周 丹, 张玉革, 姜 勇*. 2009. 沈阳市郊不同年限蔬菜温室土壤有效态微量元素分布特征. 土壤通报, 40(3): 648-652
49. 秦 莹, 娄翼来, 梁文举, 姜 勇*. 2009. 沈哈高速公路两侧土壤重金属污染特征及评价. 农业环境科学学报,29(4): 663-667
48. 姜 勇*, 庄秋丽, 张玉革, 梁文举. 2008. 东北玉米带农田土壤磷素分布特征研究. 应用生态学报,19(9): 1931-1936
47. 张玉革, 梁文举, 姜 勇*, 张玉龙. 2008. 不同利用方式对潮棕壤交换性钾钠及盐基总量的影响. 土壤通报, 39(4): 816-821
16. 张玉革, 梁文举, 姜 勇*. 2008. 潮棕壤不同利用方式下交换性钙镁剖面分布研究. 应用生态学报, 19 (4): 813-818
45.华建峰, 蒋 倩, 施春健, 庄秋丽, 姜 勇*. 2008. 脲酶/硝化抑制剂对土壤脲酶活性、有效态氮及春小麦产量的影响. 土壤通报, 39(1): 94-99.
44.Jiang Y, Hao W, Zhang YG, Liang WJ. 2008. Geostatistical analyses of soil electrical conductivity in a vegetable greenhouse field with different data sets. Journal of Environmental Research, 2(3): 125-130.
43.Jiang Y, Qin Y, Zhang LL, Liu YP, Zhu P, Gao HJ. 2008. Effect of long-term fertilization on organic carbon and nitrogen contents in a black soil of northeast China. Agricultural Journal, 3(3): 216-219.
42.Jiang Y, Zhang YG, Liang WJ. 2008. Field-scale variability of soil exchangeable Ca, Mg, K, and Na in a Chinese Ecological Research Network (CERN) site. Agricultural Journal, 3(3): 208-215
41.Jiang Y, Qin Y, Zhang YG, Li Q, Liang WJ. 2008. Spatial heterogeneity of soil DTPA-extractable copper as affected by city pollution and land use in cultivated fields of Shenyang, China. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences,4(3): 294-301
40.姜 勇, 庄秋丽, 梁文举. 2007. 农田生态系统土壤有机碳库及其影响因子. 生态学杂志, 26(2): 278-285.
39. 施春健, 庄秋丽, 李 琪, 梁文举, 姜 勇*. 2007. 东北地区不同纬度梯度农田土壤碱解氮的剖面分布. 生态学杂志, 26 (4): 501-504.
38.Jiang Y, Zhang YG, Liang WJ. 2007. Land use effect on the profile distribution of sulfur in an aquic brown soil. Agricultural Journal, 2(1): 49-54.
37. Zhuang QL, Li Q, Jiang Y*, Liang WJ, Steinberger Y. 2007. Vertical distribution of soil organic carbon in agroecosystems of Songliao Plain along a latitudinal gradient. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, 2(2): 127-132
36.姜 勇, 李 琪, 梁文举. 2006. 利用辅助变量对污染土壤锌分布的克里格估值. 应用生态学报, 17(1): 97-101.
35. 姜 勇, 郝 伟, 张玉革, 梁文举. 2006. 潮棕壤不同利用方式营养元素随剖面深度的变化特征. 水土保持学报, 20(3): 93-96.
34.姜 勇, 张玉革, 梁文举. 2006. 温室蔬菜栽培对DTPA浸提态铁锰铜锌含量的影响. 土壤通报, 37(6): 1184-1187.
33. 张玉革, 姜 勇*, 张玉龙. 2006. 不同利用方式对潮棕壤比表面影响的研究. 土壤通报, 37(3): 438-442.
32. 张晓珂, 梁文举, 姜 勇*. 2006. 东北地区不同小麦品种对黑麦草的化感作用. 应用生态学报, 17(7): 1191-1195.
31.Jiang Y, Zhuang QL, Liang WJ. 2006. Field-scale variability of soybean yield and its relations with soil fundamental fertility. Agricultural Journal, 1(3): 136-140.
30.Jiang Y, Li Q, Liang WJ. 2006. Spatiotemporal variability of soil organic matter, phosphorus and potassium in cultivated field of southern Shenyang, China. Agricultural Journal, 1(3): 149-155.
29.姜 勇, 张玉革, 梁文举, 闻大中. 2005. 潮棕壤不同利用方式有机碳剖面分布及碳储量. 中国农业科学, 38(3): 544-550.
28. 姜 勇, 张玉革, 梁文举. 2005. 温室蔬菜栽培对土壤交换性盐基离子组成的影响. 水土保持学报, 19(6): 78-81.
27.姜 勇, 梁文举, 张玉革. 2005. 田块尺度下土壤磷素的空间变异性. 应用生态学报, 16(11):2086-2091.
26.姜 勇, 梁文举, 李 琪. 2005. 利用与回归模型相结合的克里格方法对农田土壤有机碳的估值?及制图. 水土保持学报, 19(5): 97-100.
25.姜 勇, 庄秋丽, 梁文举, 施春健, 欧 伟. 2005. 空间变异在土壤性质长期定位观测及取样中的应用. 土壤通报, 36(4):532-538.
24.姜 勇, 张玉革, 梁文举, 孟凡祥, 刘艳军. 2005. 土地利用方式对潮棕壤磷素剖面分布的影响. 农业环境科学学报, 24(3):512-516.
23. 刘艳军, 姜 勇*, 梁文举, 李 琪, 闻大中. 2005. 高量施肥条件下蔬菜温室土壤化学性质的演变特征. 应用生态学报, 16(11): 2218-2220.
22. Jiang Y, Zhang YG, Liang WJ, Wen DZ. 2005.Profile distribution and storage of soil organic carbon in an aquic brown soil as affected by land use. Agricultural Sciences in China, 4(1): 101-108.
21. 姜 勇, 梁文举, 张玉革, 许宇飞. 2004. 污灌对土壤重金属环境容量及水稻生长的影响研究. 中国生态农业学报, 12(3): 124-127
20.姜 勇, 张玉革, 梁文举. 2004. 沈阳市郊区蔬菜保护地土壤交换性钙镁含量及钙镁比值的变化. 农村生态环境, 20(3): 24-27
19.姜 勇, 梁文举, 闻大中. 2004. 免耕对农田土壤生物学特性的影响. 土壤通报, 35(3): 347-351
18.姜 勇, 张玉革, 梁文举, 闻大中. 2004. 沈阳市郊耕地土壤交换性锰含量的空间变异性. 土壤, 36(1): 61-64
17.张玉革, 姜 勇*, 梁文举, 孟凡祥. 2004. 潮棕壤不同利用方式pH和Olsen-P的垂直变化特征. 水土保持学报, 18(4): 89-92.
16.Zhang YG, Jiang Y*, Liang WJ, Wen DZ, Zhang YL. 2004. Vertical variation and storage of nitrogen in an aquic brown soil under different land uses. Journal of Forestry Research, 15(3): 192-196
15. 姜 勇, 张玉革, 梁文举, 闻大中, 陈文波. 2003. 沈阳市苏家屯区耕层土壤养分空间变异性研究. 应用生态学报, 14(10): 1673-1676
14. 姜 勇, 张玉革, 闻大中, 梁文举. 2003. 沈阳市郊耕地土壤交换性铁含量的空间异质性. 水土保持学报, 17(1): 119-121
13. 姜 勇, 梁文举, 张玉革, 王 朋, 闻大中. 2003. 蔬菜保护地土壤DTPA浸提态铁锰铜锌含量状况研究. 农业环境科学学报, 22(6): 700-703
12. 姜 勇, 张玉革, 梁文举, 乔德波. 2003. 耕地土壤交换性钙镁比值的研究. 土壤通报, 35(5): 413-416
11. 姜 勇, 张玉革, 梁文举, 闻大中, 乔德波. 2003. 沈阳市郊耕地不同土属交换态钙镁铁锰铜锌含量状况的分析. 农业系统科学与综合研究, 12(2): 160-163
10. 姜 勇, 张玉革, 梁文举, 闻大中. 2003. 沈阳市郊耕地土壤交换态钙镁铁锰铜锌相关关系研究. 生态环境, 12(2): 160-163
9.姜 勇, 诸葛玉平, 梁 超, 张旭东. 2003. 火烧对土壤性质的影响. 土壤通报, 34(1): 65-69
46.姜 勇, 张玉革, 梁文举, 闻大中. 2003. 耕地土壤交换性镁含量的空间变异性特征. 沈阳农业大学学报, 34(3): 181-184
8. 刘 丹, 姜 勇*,梁文举, 闻大中. 2003. 耕地土壤中交换性Ca含量的空间异质性特征. 生态学杂志, 22(4): 6-9 (通讯作者)
7.姜 勇, 张玉革, 李纪柏, 张 君.2002. 沈阳市苏家屯区耕地土壤有效氮磷钾变化趋势的研究.沈阳农业大学学报, 2002. 33(2): 107-109
6.姜 勇, 张玉革.2001. 沈阳地区盐渍土的生态分布、特性及改良利用.土壤通报. 32(S): 124-127
5.Jiang Y, Zhang YG, Chen LJ. 2001. Status of fertilizer input and it's influence on the qualities of farm produce and environment in Shenyang, China. In: Ji LZ, Chen GX, Schnug E, et al (eds). Fertilizer, Food Security and Environmental Protection-Fertilizer in the Third Millennium-12th World Fertilizer Congress. Shenyang: Liaoning Science and Technology Publishing House, pp515-523
4. 姜 勇, 张玉革, 张继宏, 关连珠.1998 大洼县西安生态养殖模式磷素循环利用研究. 辽宁农业科学, 6: 41-43
3. 姜 勇, 张继宏, 张玉革, 颜 丽, 关连珠.1995. 西安生态养殖模式能流特征分析. 生态学杂志, 14(3):1-4
2. 姜 勇, 张继宏, 颜 丽, 关连珠, 须湘成.1995. 辽宁西安生态养殖模式中碳钾物流研究. 沈阳农业大学学报, 26(6): 152-156.
1.姜 勇, 张玉革. 1995. 略论施肥培肥土壤与农业的高效持续发展. 见: 张继宏, 颜丽, 窦森(主编). 农业持续发展的土壤培肥研究. 沈阳:东北大学出版社(参编). pp26-31
武志杰, 梁文举, 姜 勇(主编). 2005. 农产品安全生产原理与应用. 北京:中国农业科技出版社.
姜 勇, 梁文举, 闻大中(著). 2003. 沈阳郊区农业土壤中微量元素. 北京:中国农业科技出版社.
20 一种北方刈割草地专用配方肥及其使用方法(ZL201210334871.8)
19 一种利用味精生产废弃液的碱土改良剂及其制备方法(ZL201210333633.5)
18 生物炭混配型设施菜田土壤重金属钝化剂及其制备方法(ZL201210299639.5)
17 一种防病长效草坪专用肥及其制备方法(ZL200910300410.7).
16 一种土壤磷素活化剂及其制作方法(ZL200810010544.0)
15 一种石灰性土壤氮磷增效剂及其制备方法(ZL200810010559.7)
14 长效缓释玉米专用掺混肥及其制备方法(ZL200810012117.6).
13 一种防病增效型设施菜田土壤调理剂及其制备方法(ZL200910300415.X).
12 一种蔬菜废弃物有机肥及其制作方法(ZL200810010443.3) .
11 一种设施菜田土壤重金属钝化剂及其制备方法(ZL200910300416.4)
10 一种精制生物有机肥及其制备方法(ZL200610135099.1).
9 一种养猪废弃液净化处理方法及装置(ZL200810010063.X).
8 木醋液土壤消毒剂及其制备方法(ZL200810011943.9) .
7 一种利用菱镁尾矿的设施菜田土壤改良剂及其制备方法(ZL200910300305.3).
6 一种鸡粪除臭保氮有机肥及其制作方法(ZL200710012578.9).
5 一种拟丽突线虫的培养方法(ZL200810010161.3).
4 一种菱镁矿粉尘污染区坡地的植树法及树坑填充物(ZL200710012470.X).
3 利用维生素C发酵废渣生产的精制有机肥及其制备方法(ZL200410021484.4)
2 一种脲酶/硝化抑制剂组合型缓释尿素及其制备方法(ZL200410082840.3)
1 利用维生素C发酵超滤弃液生产的蛋白胨液体肥及其制备(ZL200410082826.3)
三种外来杂草胜红蓟、马樱丹和三裂叶豚草的化感作用研究. 2009. 辽宁省自然科学三等奖,排名第四.
缓释尿素. 2006. 第六届辽宁省优秀新产品奖一等奖. 排名第五.
应用盐溶蛋白电泳技术检验玉米种子纯度. 2001. 沈阳市科技进步奖(农村科技推广类), 二等奖, 排名第四.
河北省基金委创新群体项目"白洋淀生物多样性与生态系统功能"(C2022201042, 2022-2024,600万元,骨干参加)
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国家自然科学基金面上项目"氮水添加对北方退化草地土壤阳离子交换性能影响" (41371251,2014-2017,75万元,主持)
国家"十二五"科技支撑重大项目子课题"农田氮输入、转化及输出途径、量化表征及其组分特征" (2012BAD14B04,2012-2016,106万元,主持)
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国家自然科学基金项目"东北黑土区农田土壤线虫多样性研究" (30670379, 2007-2009,26万元,主持)
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1 吴 辉 (2017级硕士研究生,2019级博士生,导师:姜勇,合作导师:李慧)
2 赵若男(2019级博士生,中科院植物所联培,导师:韩兴国教授;合作导师:姜勇,李迈和)
3 李岩岩 (2019级博士生,沈阳农大联培,导师:杨丽娟教授;合作导师:王汝振、姜勇)
4 张 英 (2021级博士生,导师:姜勇,合作导师:王汝振)
5 尚 誉(2022级博士生,生态学)
6 李秋桦(2022级博士生,植物学,河北大学)
7 付佳琳(2022级博士生,植物营养学,沈阳农大联培,导师:杨丽娟,合作导师:姜勇、蔡江平)
8 王 斌(2023级博士生,生态学,河北大学,导师:姜勇、王汝振)
9 吕 静(2023级博士生,生态学,河北大学,导师:姜勇、王汝振)
10 王颖杰(2021级硕士生,生态学,河北大学)
11 张秀颖 (2021级硕士生,沈阳大学联培,导师:张玉革教授,合作导师:蔡江平、姜勇)
12 高金影 (2021级硕士生,沈阳大学联培,导师:张玉革教授,合作导师:冯雪、姜勇)
13 李春波(2022级硕士生,植物学,河北大学,导师:姜勇、刘贺永)
14 马晓梦(2022级硕士生,微生物学,河北大学,导师:姜勇、刘贺永)
15 张佳运(2022级硕士生,生态学,河北大学,导师:姜勇、刘贺永)
16 姬 虹(2022级硕士生,生物与药学,河北大学,导师:姜勇、刘贺永)
17 陈龙雪(2022级硕士生,生物与药学,河北大学,导师:姜勇、刘贺永)
18 刘万新(2022级硕士生,沈阳大学联培,导师:张玉革教授,合作导师:蔡江平、姜勇)
19 杜安娜(2022级硕士生,沈阳大学联培,导师:张玉革教授,合作导师:冯雪、姜勇)
20 唐仲辉 (2022级硕士生,生物学,河北大学与中科院城市环境所联培,导师:姜勇、孙新)
21 范艳春 (2022级硕士生,生物学,河北大学与中科院城市环境所联培,导师:姜勇、李春明)
22 金新月(2023级硕士生,生态学,河北大学,导师:姜勇、刘贺永)
23 丁赵男(2023级硕士生,生态学,河北大学,导师:姜勇、刘贺永)
24 任晓宇(2023级硕士生,生态学,河北大学,导师:姜勇、刘贺永)
25 刘亚琨(2023级硕士生,生态学,河北大学,导师:姜勇、刘贺永)
26 赵若霖(2023级硕士生,资源利用与植物保护,河北大学,导师:姜勇、刘贺永)
27 田 芮(2023级硕士生,资源利用与植物保护,河北大学,导师:姜勇、刘贺永)
28 廖垠鸿(2023级硕士生,资源利用与植物保护,河北大学,导师:姜勇、刘贺永)
29 周梦凡(2023级硕士生,资源利用与植物保护,河北大学,导师:姜勇、刘贺永)
冯 雪 农业资源与环境方向(2020年7月进站)
刘贺永 农业资源与环境方向(2020年7月进站)
马 望 农业 资源与环境方向(2020年12月进站)
32. 陈家齐(硕士,生态学,2023,姜勇、雒文涛;尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com2023级博士生)
31. 王金环(硕士,环境科学,2023,沈阳大学联培,导师:张玉革、刘贺永、姜勇)
30. 刘梦霖(硕士,环境科学,2023,沈阳大学联培,导师:张玉革、冯雪、姜勇)
29. 王志瑞(博士,生态学,2022,沈阳应用生态研究所特别研究助理)
28. 王 斌(硕士,生态学,2022,姜勇、王汝振;河北大学2023级博士生)
27. 袁 新(硕士,环境科学,2022,沈阳农业大学联培,金兰淑、姜勇)
26. 李欣悦 (硕士,环境科学,2022,沈阳大学联培,张玉革、姜勇,成都工作)
25. 付佳琳 (硕士,环境科学,2022,沈阳大学联培,张玉革、蔡江平、姜勇,沈阳农大2022级博士生)
24. 施 展 (博士,生态学,2021;成都工业环境监测中心,助研)
23. 李天鹏 (博士,生态学,2021;德国哥廷根大学博士后)
22. 冯 雪 (博士,植物营养学,2020,沈阳农大联培,杨丽娟、姜勇,沈阳应用生态所特别研究助理,助研)
21. 刘贺永 (博士,土壤学,2020,沈阳农大联培,邹洪涛、姜勇,国家奖学金;沈阳应用生态所特别研究助理,助研)
20. 孟亚妮 (硕士,生态学,2020,姜勇、徐柱文,华东师范大学博士研究生)
19. 何 鹏(博士,生态学,2019,姜勇、李迈和,天津师范大学,讲师)
18. 王皓然(硕士,环境科学,2019,张玉革、蔡江平、姜勇,沈阳大学联培;沈阳工作)
17. 冯 盼(硕士,环境科学,2018,沈阳大学联培;张玉革、姜勇,沈阳工作)
16. 田圣贤(硕士,环境科学,2018,沈阳大学联培;张玉革、姜勇,贵州六盘水市工作, 优硕)
15. 王 雪(博士,生态学,2017,姜勇、李迈和,台州学院,讲师)
14. 蔡江平(博士,生态学,2017,沈阳应用生态研究所,助研)
13. 殷进飞(硕士,生态学,2017,地奥二等奖,中科院新疆生地所博士,特别研究助理,助研)
12. 张勇勇(博士,生态学,2016,沈阳农业大学,讲师)
11. 李 波(博士,生态学,2016,姜勇、王颜红,沈阳应用生态研究所,高工)
10. 刘贺永(硕士,环境科学,2016,沈阳大学联培,张玉革、姜勇,中科院尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com特别研究助理)
9. 王汝振(博士,生态学,2015,院长优秀奖,国家奖学金;沈阳应用生态研究所,研究员/教授,硕导,中科院青促会会员,国家优青)
8. 雒文涛(博士,生态学,2015,沈阳应用生态研究所,副研/副教授,硕导,中科院青促会会员)
7. 王 雪(硕士,生态学,2014,姜勇、李迈和,沈阳应用生态所博士,台州学院讲师)
6. 符明明(硕士,土壤学,2012,南京土壤所博士,暨南大学博士后;桂林理工大学讲师)
5. 魏金明(硕士,生态学,2011,山东省淄博市周村区纪监委)
4. 周 丹(硕士,生态学,2010,辽宁省抚顺市政务中心)
3. 秦 莹(硕士,生态学,2009,北京)
2. 郝 伟(硕士,土壤学,2008,北京,辽宁省优硕)
1. 庄秋丽(硕士,土壤学,2007,河南省周口市农科院,副研究员)
赵凤艳 农业资源与环境方向(2022年出站,辽宁省农业科学院 副研究员)
李善龙 农业资源与环境方向(2018年出站,吉林省农业科学院 副研究员)
李 杰 生态学方向(2017年出站,沈阳应用生态所,研究员,硕导;中科院青促会会员, 辽宁省优青)
土壤生态与农业生态工程中心 土壤化学研究组
E-mail: jiangyong@iae.ac.cn; jiangyong@hbu.edu.cn