尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!-z6com

  • 刘波副研究员








2022.11-今 尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com沈阳应用生态研究所,副研究员

2018.04-2022.11 尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com沈阳应用生态研究所,助理研究员

2015.09-2016.09 加拿大湖首大学,博士联合培养

2011.09-2018.01 尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com沈阳应用生态研究所,获得博士学位













1.Bo Liu, Yu Liang*, Hong S. He, Zhihua Liu, Tianxiao Ma, Mia M. Wu. Wildfire affects boreal forest resilience through post-fire recruitment in Northeastern China. Ecological Indicators, 2022, 145.

2.Bo Liu, Jinlong Zhang, Matthew K. Lau, Xugao Wang, Yu Liang*, Tianxiao Ma. Diversification and phylogenetic correlation of functional traits for co-occurring understory species in the Chinese boreal forest. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 2022.

3.Chao Huang*, Jiayuan Feng, Fangran Tang, Hong S.He, Yu Liang, Mia M.Wu, Wenru Xu, Bo Liu, Fuxi Shi, Fusheng Chen. Predicting the responses of boreal forests to climate-fire-vegetation interactions in Northeast China. Environmental Modelling & Software, 2022, 153: 105410.

4.Mia M.Wu, Yu Liang*, Hong S. He*, Bo Liu, Tianxiao Ma. Remnant trees location and abundance play different roles in forest landscape recovery. Forest Ecology and Management, 2022, 511: 120154.

5.Wentao Luo, Robert Griffin-Nolan, Wang Ma, Bo Liu, Xiaoan Zuo, Chong Xu, Qiang Yu*, Yahuang Luo, Pierre Mariotte, Melinda Smith, Scott Collins, Alan Knapp, Zhengwen Wang, Xingguo Han. Plant traits and soil fertility mediate productivity losses under extreme drought in C3 grasslands. Ecology, 2021. doi.org/10.1002/ecy.3465

6.Tianxiao Ma, Yu Liang*, Matthew K. Lau, Bo Liu, Mia M. Wu, Hong S. He. Quantifying the relative importance of potential evapotranspiration and timescale selection in assessing extreme drought frequency in conterminous China. Atmospheric Research, 2021, 263, 105797.

7.Chao Huang, Yu Liang*, Hong S. He*, Mia M. Wu, Bo Liu, Tianxiao Ma. Sensitivity of aboveground biomass and species composition to climate change in boreal forests of Northeastern China. Ecological Modelling, 2021, 445: 109472.

8.Tianxiao Ma, Yu Liang*, Michael G. Sunde, Matthew K. Lau, Bo Liu, Mia M. Wu, Hong S. He. Assessing the effects of climate variable and timescale selection on uncertainties in dryness/wetness trends in conterminous China. International Journal of Climatology, 2021, 41(5): 3058-3070. doi.org/10.1002/joc.7005.

9.Bo Liu, Shekhar R. Biswas, Jian Yang, Zhihua Liu, Hong S. He, Yu Liang*, Matthew K. Lau, Yunting Fang, Shijie Han. Strong influences of stand age and topography on post-fire understory recovery in a Chinese boreal forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 2020, 473: 118307.

10.Bo Liu, Han Y.H. Chen, Jian Yang*. Linking understory species diversity, community-level traits and productivity in a Chinese boreal forest. Journal of Vegetation Science, 2019, 30: 247-256.

11.Jianjian Kong, Jian Yang*, Bo Liu, Lin Qi. Wildfire alters spatial patterns of available soil nitrogen and understory environments in a valley boreal larch forest. Forests, 2019, 10(2): 95.

12.Bo Liu, Han Y.H. Chen, Jian Yang*. Understory community assembly following wildfire in boreal forests: shift from stochasticity to competitive exclusion and environmental filtering. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9.

13.Bo Liu, Jian Yang*, Jill F. Johnstone. Understory vascular plant community assembly in relation to time-since-fire and environmental variables in a Chinese boreal forest. Journal of Mountain Science, 2017, 14(7): 1317-1328.

14.张鹏翼, 马天啸, 刘波, 梁宇*, 黄超, 吴苗苗, 姜思慧. 长白山国家级自然保护区森林生态系统完整性动态评估. 2021, 40(7): 2251-2262.

15.姜思慧, 梁宇*, 常瑞英, 黄超, 马天啸, 刘波, 吴苗苗, 张鹏翼. 青藏高原川西云杉林生物量对气候变化的响应. 生态学杂志, 2020, 39(12): 3903-3912.

16.张庆龙, 梁宇*, 贺红士, 黄超, 刘波, 姜思慧. 树种水平的大兴安岭地上生物量变化特征及其与气候和干扰的关系. 生态学报, 2019,39(12):4442-4454.

17.杨健, 孔健健, 刘波. 林火干扰对北方针叶林林下植被的影响. 植物生态学报, 2013, 37(5): 474-480. 

