区域低碳发展研究组(Regional Low Carbon Development Center)成立于2013年,主要致力于气候变化、新型城镇化建设、区域可持续发展等方面的研究。
学科组目前有科研人员13人,其中研究员1人,客座教授2人,副研究员1人,助理研究员2人,特别研究助理1人,科研助理2人,科研秘书1人,学生6人。专业涵盖生态学、遥感与地理信息系统、经济、土地资源管理、建筑、城市规划、地质与地球化学等。目前建有中芬应用生态技术中心(Sino-Finnish Applide Ecological Technology Center),主要为中国与芬兰的企业、科研院所提供信息与资源共享、项目对接与共同研发的平台。
Regional low carbon development center is mainly focus on regional and global climate change, carbon cycle, greenhouse gases inventory, landscape ecology, land use and land cover change and induced carbon emissions, carbon trading, low-carbon and eco-city planning, new type urbanization and rural development.
In addition to research, the staff of regional low carbon development center supervisesmaster,PhD, and post-doctor student dissertations, and engages with policy makers and thought leaders regionallyand nationally around issues of climate change mitigation and adaptation, ecological and environmental protection, eco-city planning, and rural development.
The regional low carbon development center has carried out a lot of basic research in the technology and policy on climate change, greenhouse gases inventory, circular economy, new energy and renewable energy technologies, carbon trading and carbon finance. It has accumulated a solid theoretical basis and practical experience. Policy reports on urbanization, climate change, new energy, and carbon emissions trading have been adopted by the provincial and municipal decision-making departments.
In recent years, the team has accumulated rich experiences on energy, low-carbon and climate change. The team has conducted a lot of scientific exchanges and cooperation with well-known peers from University of Cambridge, Harvard University, University of Turku,University of Maryland, and University of Leeds.