尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!-z6com




    博士,研究员,博士生导师。尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com“BR计划、国家优秀青年科学基金获得者。现担任吉林长白山西坡森林生态系统观测定位研究站站长、联合国环境署(UNEP)环境影响评估委员会委员、国际植物紫外研究联盟(UV4Plants)学术委员、Forestry Research副主编。长期从事森林生态与冠层光谱生物学等方面工作。已在New Phytologist、Journal of EcologySCI期刊发表论文30余篇。曾获辽宁省兴辽计划青年拔尖人才、沈阳市高层次人才领军人才、沈阳市中青年科技创新人才支持计划、日本学术振兴会(JSPS)外籍特聘研究员、日本藤野先生纪念奖等荣誉称号。


    2011–2014    日本东北大学(Tohoku University)生态系统生态学  博士

    2008–2011    尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com沈阳应用生态研究所   生态学          硕士

    2004–2008    西北农林科技大学               林学            学士      


    2019–至今     中科院沈阳应用生态研究所   研究员、博士生导师

    2017–2019     日本森林综合研究所         日本学术振兴会外籍特聘研究员

    2014–2017     日本东北大学               项目研究员


    1.       国家自然科学基金优青项目(32122059):冠层光谱生物学,200万元,2022.01 – 2024.12

    2.        十四五重点研发子课题(2021YFD2200400):树种多样性及林分结构对东北温带典型人工林碳储量及其组成的影响机制,137.5万元,2022.1 – 2026.12

    3.        尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com国际人才计划(2022VCA0010):12万元,2021.11 – 2022.05

    4.        沈阳市中青年科技创新人才支持计划(RC210495: 东北林下药用植物朝鲜淫羊藿和辽细辛产量与品质提升技术,10万元,2022.01 – 2024.12

    5.        辽宁省兴辽英才计划青年拔尖人才项目(XLYC2007016):森林生态系统关键过程和功能对地表太阳辐射变化的响应与适应机制,50万元,2021.01 – 2023.12

    6.        尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com“BR计划B类):东北温带森林群落构建及碳循环关键过程对冠层光谱变化的响应与适应机制2019.12 – 2024.11,700万元

    7.        国家自然科学基金面上项目(41971148):长白山林线植物对UV-B辐射的响应与适应机理,62万元,2020.01 – 2023.12

    8.        国家自然科学基金青年项目(41701052):植物纬度海拔梯度分布的低温限制机理及其对全球变暖的响应,26万元,2018.01 – 2020.12

    9.        日本学术振兴会基金(JSPS)(17P17403):太阳光对森林生态系统物质循环的驱动作用及其机理,220万日元,2017.10 – 2019.09



    1.      United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Environmental Effects Assessment Panel. Environmental Effects of Stratospheric Ozone Depletion, UV Radiation, and Interactions with Climate Change: 2022 Assessment Report.

    2.      United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Questions and Answers about the Effects of Ozone Depletion, UV Radiation, and Climate on Humans and the Environment. Supplement of the 2022 Assessment Report of the UNEP Environmental Effects Assessment Panel, 25 pp.; UNEP: Nairobi, 2023.

    3.      Barnes, P., T. Robson, R. Zepp, J. Bornman, M. Jansen, R. Ossola, Q.-W. Wang, S. Robinson, B. Foereid and A. Klekociuk. Interactive effects of changes in UV radiation and climate on terrestrial ecosystems, biogeochemical cycles, and feedbacks to the climate system. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences 22(5): 1049 – 1091, 2023.

    4.      Deng JJ, Fang S, Fang XM, Jin YQ, Kuang YW, Lin FM, Liu JQ, Ma JR, Nie YX, Ouyang SN, Ren J, Tie LH, Tang SB, Tan XP, Wang XG, Wang QW *, Wang H*, Liu CG*. Forest understorey vegetation study: current status and future trends. Forestry Research 3:6 doi: 10.48130/FR-2023-0006, 2023.

    5.      Fan D, Li S, Lu J, Penn CJ, Wang QW, Lin GG, Jordi S, Josep P, Wang JK, Matthias RC. Consequences of 33 years of plastic film mulching and nitrogen fertilization on maize growth and soil quality. Environmental Science and Technology, doi: 10.1021/acs.est.2c08878, 2023

    6.      Zhou WM#, Wang QW#, Wei ZB#, Jiang JT, Deng JJ*. Effects of microplastic type on growth and physiology of soil crops: Implications for farmland yield and food quality. Environmental Pollution 326: 121512, 2023

    7.      Ren J, Fang S, Wang QW, Liu HY, Lin F, Ye J, Hao ZQ, Wang XG*, Fortunel C*. Ontogeny influences tree growth response to soil fertility and neighborhood crowding in an old-growth temperate forest. Annals of Botany, mcac146, https://doi.org/10.1093/aob/mcac146, 2023.

    8.      江俊涛, 陈宏伟, 阎薪竹, 邓娇娇, 魏占波, 周旺明, 周莉, 于大炮, 王庆伟*. 聚丙烯微塑料添加对大豆和花生生长及生理生态特征的影响. 农业环境科学学报, 2023.



    9.      Wang, Q.-W.*, M. Pieristè*, T. K. Kotilainen, E. Forey, M. Chauvat, H. Kurokawa, T. M. Robson, and A. G. Jones. 2022. The crucial role of blue light as a driver of litter photodegradation in terrestrial ecosystems. Plant and Soil, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-022-05596-x

    10.   Han YG, Deng JJ, Zhou WM, Wang QW*, Yu DP*. Seasonal responses of hydraulic function and carbon dynamics in spruce seedlings to continuous drought. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.868108

    11.   Barnes, P. W., T. M. Robson, P. J. Neale, C. E. Williamson, R. G. Zepp, S. Madronich, S. R. Wilson, A. L. Andrady, A. M. Heikkil?, G. H. Bernhard, A. F. Bais, R. E. Neale, J. F. Bornman, M. A. K. Jansen, A. R. Klekociuk, J. Martinez-Abaigar, S. A. Robinson, Q. W. Wang, A. T. Banaszak, D. P. H?der, S. Hylander, K. C. Rose, S. ?. W?ngberg, B. Foereid, W. C. Hou, R. Ossola, N. D. Paul, J. E. Ukpebor, M. P. S. Andersen, J. Longstreth, T. Schikowski, K. R. Solomon, B. Sulzberger, L. S. Bruckman, K. K. Pandey, C. C. White, L. Zhu, M. Zhu, P. J. Aucamp, J. B. Liley, R. L. McKenzie, M. Berwick, S. N. Byrne, L. M. Hollestein, R. M. Lucas, C. M. Olsen, L. E. Rhodes, S. Yazar, and A. R. Young. Environmental effects of stratospheric ozone depletion, UV radiation, and interactions with climate change: UNEP Environmental Effects Assessment Panel, Update 2021. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences:1-27, 2022.

    12.   Wang QW*, Robson TM, Pieristè M, Kenta T, Zhou W, Kurokawa H. Canopy structure and phenology modulate the impacts of solar radiation on C and N dynamics during litter decomposition in a temperate forest. Science of The Total Environment, 820: 153185, 2022

    13.   马靖然, 王亚楠, 常璐, 邓娇娇, 周旺明, 于大炮, 王庆伟*. 冠层光谱组成对红松和蒙古栎幼苗生长和光合荧光特性的影响. 应用生态学报 33:2314-2320, 2022.



    14.   Deng JJ, Zhou L, Zhou WM*, Wang QW*, Yu DP. Effect of microfibers combined with UV-B and drought on plant community. Chemosphere 288: 132413, 2022.

    15.   Liu CG*, Wang QW, Jin YQ*, Tang JW, Lin FM, Olatunji OA. Perennial cover crop biomass contributes to regulating soil P availability more than rhizosphere P-mobilizing capacity in rubber-based agroforestry systems. Geoderma, 401, 115218, 2021

    16.   Barnes, P. W., J. F. Bornman, K. K. Pandey, G. H. Bernhard, R. E. Neale, S. A. Robinson, P. J. Neale, R. G. Zepp, S. Madronich, C. C. White, M. P. Andersen, A. L. Andrady, P. J. Aucamp, A. F. Bais, A. T. Banaszak, M. Berwick, L. S. Bruckman, S. N. Byrne, B. Foereid, D. H?der, A. M. Heikkil?, L. M. Hollestein, W. Hou, S. Hylander, M. Jansen, A. R. Klekociuk, J. B. Liley, J. Longstreth, R. M. Lucas, J. Martinez-Abaigar, R. L. McKenzie, K. McNeill, C. M. Olsen, R. Ossola, N. D. Paul, L. E. Rhodes, T. M. Robson, K. C. Rose, T. Schikowski, K. R. Solomon, B. Sulzberger, J. E. Ukpebor, Q. Wang, S. W?ngberg, C. E. Williamson, S. R. Wilson, S. Yazar, A. R. Young, L. Zhu, and M. Zhu. 2021. Summary Update 2021 for Policymakers: UNEP Environmental Effects Assessment Panel.

    17.   R. E. Neale; P. W. Barnes; T. M. Robson; P. J. Neale; C. E. Williamson; Bernhard; A. F. Bais; P. J. Aucamp; A. T. Banaszak; J. F. Bornman*; L. S. Bruckman; S. N. Byrne; B. Foereid; D.P. H?der; L. M. Hollestein; W.C. Hou; S. Hylander*; M. A. K. Jansen; A. R. Klekociuk; J. B. Liley; J. Longstreth; R. M. Lucas; J. MartinezAbaigar; K. McNeill; C. M. Olsen; K. K. Pandey; L. E. Rhodes; S. A. Robinson; K. C. Rose; T. Schikowski; K. R. Solomon; B. Sulzberger; J. E. Ukpebor; Q.W. Wang; S.?. W?ngberg; C. C. White; S. Yazar; A. R. Young; P. J. Young; L. Zhu; M. Zhu. Environmental effects of stratospheric ozone depletion, UV radiation, and interactions with climate change: UNEP Environmental Effects Assessment Panel, Update 2020. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 20, 1-67, 2021.

    18.   Wang QW*, Liu CG, Robson MT, Hikosaka K, Kurokawa H. Leaf density and chemical composition explain variation in leaf mass area with spectral composition among 11 widespread forbs in a common garden. Physiologia Plantarum, 173, 698-708, 2021.

    19.   Wang QW*, Pieristè M, Liu CG, Kenta T, Robson MT*, Kurokawa H*. The contribution of photodegradation to litter decomposition in a temperate forest gap and understorey. New Phytologist, 229, 2625-2636, 2021.

    20.   马玥, 苏宝玲, 韩艳刚, 吴星慧, 周旺明, 王庆伟, 周莉, 于大炮. 岳桦幼苗光合特性和非结构性碳水化合物积累对干旱胁迫的响应. 应用生态学报 32(2): 513-520, 2021.

    21.   齐麟, 许东, 朱琪, 周旺明, 周莉, 王庆伟, 邓娇娇, 于大炮. 基于GeoSOS-FLUS平台的东北森林屏障带生态格局优化. 生态学杂志 40(11): 3448-3462, 2021.

    22.   齐麟, 张月, 许东, 朱琪, 周旺明, 周莉, 王庆伟, 于大炮. 东北森林屏障带生态系统服务权衡与协同关系. 生态学杂志 40(11): 3401-3411, 2021.

    23.   袁泉, 张月, 陈红, 周莉, 于大炮, 王庆伟, 周旺明. 长白山苔原典型植物的N、P含量对短期氮输入的可塑性响应. 生态学杂志 40(11): 3493-3500, 2021.



    24.   Barnes, P. W., J. F. Bornman, K. K. Pandey, G. H. Bernhard, R. E. Neale, S. A. Robinson, P. J. Neale, R. G. Zepp, S. Madronich, C. C. White, A. L. Andrady, P. J. Aucamp, A. F. Bais, A. T. Banaszak, L. S. Bruckman, S. N. Byrne, B. Foereid, D.-P. H?der, A. M. Heikkil?, L. M. Hollestein, W.-C. Hou, S. Hylander, M. A. K. Jansen, A. R. Klekociuk, J. B. Liley, J. Longstreth, R. M. Lucas, J. Martinez-Abaigar, K. McNeill, C. M. Olsen, L. E. Rhodes, T. M. Robson, K. C. Rose, T. Schikowski, K. R. Solomon, B. Sulzberger, J. E. Ukpebor, Q.-W. Wang, S.-?. W?ngberg, C. E. Williamson, S. R. Wilson, S. Yazar, A. R. Young, P. J. Young, L. Zhu, and M. Zhu. 2020. Summary Update 2020 for Policymakers: UNEP Environmental Effects Assessment Panel.

    25.   Wang QW*, Robson MT, Pieristè M, Oguro M, Oguchi R, Murai Y, Kurokawa H*. Testing trait plasticity over the range of spectral composition of sunlight in forb species differing in shade tolerance. Journal of Ecology, 108(5):1923-1940, 2020.



    26.   Wang QW*, Qi L, Zhou WM, Yu DP*, Dai LM. Carbon dynamics in the deciduous broadleaf tree Erman’s birch (Betula ermanii) at the subalpine treeline on Changbai Mountain, Northeast China.American Journal of Botany, 105: 42-49, 2018.

    27.   Wang QW*, Nagano S, Ozaki H, Morinaga S, Hidema J, Hikosaka K. Functional differentiation in UV-B-induced DNA damage and growth inhibition between highland and lowland ecotypes of twoArabidopsisspecies.Environmental and Experimental Botany, 131: 110–119, 2016.

    28.   Wang QW*, Kamiyama C, Hidema J, Hikosaka K. Ultraviolet-B-induced DNA damage and ultraviolet-B tolerance mechanisms in species with different functional groups coexisting in subalpine moorlands. Oecologia, 181: 1069–1082, 2016.

    29.   Wang QW*, Hidema J, Hikosaka K. Is UV-induced DNA damage greater at higher elevation? American Journal of Botany, 101(5): 796-802, 2014.

    30.   Wang QW*, Daumal M,Nagano S, Yoshida N, Morinaga S-I, Hikosaka K. Plasticity of functional traits and optimality of biomass allocation in elevational ecotypes of Arabidopsis halleri grown at different soil nutrient availabilities. Journal of Plant Research, 132: 237-249, 2019.

    31.   Wang QW*, Liu CG, Yu DP*, Zhou WM, Qi L, Zhou Li, Yu DP, Dai LM. Mobile carbon supply in trees and shrubs at the alpine treeline ecotone. Plant Ecology, 219: 467-479, 2018.

    32.   Yu DP, Wang QW, Wang XY, Dai LM, Li M-H. Microsite effects on physiological performance of Betula ermanii at and beyond an alpine treeline site on Changbai Mountain in Northeast China. Forests 10, 2019. doi:10.3390/f10050400.

    33.   Liu CG*, Jin YQ, Liu CG, Tang JW*, Wang QW, Xu MX. Phosphorous fractions in soils of rubber-based agroforestry systems: influence of season, management and stand age. Science of the Total Environment, 616: 1576-1588, 2018.

    34.   Liu CG, Wang YJ*, Pan KW, Wang QW, Liang J, Jin YQ, Tariq A. The synergistic responses of different photoprotective pathways in dwarf bamboo (Fargesia rufa) to drought and subsequent rewatering. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8: 489, 2017.

    35.   Liu CG*, Wang QW, Jin YQ, Pan KW, Wang YJ*. Photoprotective and antioxidative mechanisms against oxidative damage in Fargesia rufa subjected to drought and salinity. Functional Plant Biology. 44: 302-311, 2017.

    36.   Yu DP*, Wang QW, Liu JQ, Zhou WM, Qi L, Wang, XY, Zhou L, Dai LM. Formation mechanisms of the alpine Erman’s birch (Betula ermanii) treeline on Changbai Mountain in Northeast China. Trees - Structure and Function, 28: 935–947, 2014.

    37.   Yu DP*, Wang QW, Wang Y, Zhou WM, Ding H, Fang XM, Jiang SW, Dai LM*. Climatic effects on radial growth of major tree species on Changbai Mountain. Annals of Forest Science, 68 (5): 921-933, 2011.

    38.   Dai LM, Qi L, Wang QW, Su DK*, Yu DP, Wang Y, Ye YJ, Jiang SW, Zhao W. Changes in forest structure and composition on Changbai Mountain in Northeast China. Annals of Forest Science, 68 (5): 889-897, 2011.

    39.   Yu DP, Zhou L*, Zhou WM, Ding H, Wang QW, Wang Y, Wu XQ, Dai LM*. 2011.Forest Management in Northeast China: History, Problems, and Challenges. Environmental Management, 48 (6): 1122-1135, 2011.

    40.   Zhou L*,Dai LM*, Wang SX, Huang XT , Wang XC, Qi L, Wang QW, Li GW and Wei YW. Changes in carbon density for three old-growth forests on Changbai Mountain, Northeast China: 1981–2010. Annals of Forest Science, 68 (5): 953-958, 2011.

    41.  王庆伟, 于大炮*, 代力民, , 周旺明, 齐光, 齐麟, 叶雨静. 全球气候变化下植物水分利用效率研究进展. 应用生态学报, 21:3255-3265, 2010.

    42.   王庆伟, 齐麟, 田杰, 周旺明, 丁宏, 于大炮*, 代力民. 海拔梯度对长白山北坡岳桦水分利用效率的影响. 应用生态学报, 22:2227-2232, 2011.

    43.   田杰, 王庆伟, 于大炮, 周莉, 代力民*. 长白山北坡气温的垂直变化. 干旱区资源与环境, 27:65-69, 2013.

    44.   齐光, 王庆礼, 王新闯, 齐麟, 王庆伟, 叶雨静, 代力民*. 大兴安岭林区兴安落叶松人工林植被碳贮量. 应用生态学报, 22:273-279, 2011.

    45.   叶雨静, 于大炮, 王玥, 周旺明, 丁宏, 王庆伟, 王绍先, 代力民*. 采伐木对森林碳储量的影响. 生态学杂志, 30:66-71, 2011.

    46.   王乃江*,习世红,周秦生,高战雄,王庆伟,张文辉,屈伟,马勤. 子午岭桥山林区柴松群落主要种群种间联结性研究. 西北植物学报, 15: 795~805, 2010.





    1.         2022919-27日,2022年度联合国环境署环境影响评估会议。陆地生态系统相关研究进展(线上)

    2.         2022828日,第二十一届中国生态学大会(专题报告)。太阳辐射对森林生态系统碳循环关键过程的驱动力,贵州贵阳

    3.         2022822日,国家林草局典型林业生态工程效益监测评估国家创新联盟研讨会暨CFERN&TECHNO第玖届学术年会(受邀 大会报告)。太阳光是陆地生态系统碳循环的另一关键驱动因子,云南大理

    4.         2022318日,第69届日本生态学(ESJ)年会(202110月份受邀)。Photodegradation accelerates carbon cycle in a temperate forest,线上



    5.         202112月,国际植物紫外研究联盟(UV4Plants)年会(受邀)

    6.         2021128日,国际长期生态研究联盟(ILTER)论坛(受邀)。Unignorable photodegradation: Solar radiation is accelerating carbon cycle process of temperate forest ecosystems,线上

    7.         20217-9月,联合国环境署(UNEP2021年度环境影响评估报告会(受邀),线上

    8.         2021714日,不可忽视的光降解太阳辐射加速温带森林生态系统碳循环进程. 中国森林生态系统定位观测研究网络CFERN&TECHNO 第八届学术年会,宁夏银川

    9.         202177日, Forestry Research期刊论坛主持(受邀)

    10.     20217月,全球变化与可持续生态学研讨会暨碳中和与生态保育高峰论坛,江苏盐城

    11.     2021711日,高山植物生态:紫外辐射损伤与耐受机制。第七届青年地学论坛,贵州贵阳



    12.     2020117日,不可忽视的光降解:太阳辐射加速温带森林生态系统碳循环进程。中国林学会森林生态分会,湖南会同

    13.     20201013日,国际植物紫外研究联盟(UV4Plants)年会。Testing trait plasticity to the spectral composition of sunlight in forest forb species differing in shade tolerance,线上

    14.     Wang QW, Daumal M, Nagano S, Yoshida N, Morinaga S-I, Hikosaka K. Optimality and plasticity of biomass allocation in elevational ecotypes of Arabidopsis halleri at different soil nutrient availabilities. The 65th Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of Japan, Sapporo, Japan, Mar. 2018.

    15.     Wang QW. Elevational variations in UV damage and tolerance mechanisms among ecotypes, species, and functional groups. The 64th Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of Japan, Tokyo, Japan, Mar. 2017.

    16.     Wang QW, Kamiyama C, Hidema J, Hikosaka K. UV damage and UV tolerance mechanisms in species with different functional groups. The 63rd Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of Japan, Sendai, Japan, Mar. 2016.

    17.     Wang QW, Ozaki H, Nagano S, Morinaga S, Hidema J, Hikosaka K. UV-B-induced damage on DNA and growth in highland and lowland ecotypes of Arabidopsis. The 79th Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan, Niigata, Japan, Sep. 2015.

    18.     Wang QW, Kamiyama C, Teranishi C, Hidema J, Hikosaka K. UV damage and UV tolerance mechanisms in species with different functional groups. The 5th Annual Meeting of Tohoku Botanical Society. Fukushima, Japan, Dec. 2015.

    19.     Wang QW, Nan L, Nagano S, Ozaki H, Teranishi M, Morinaga S, Hidema J, Hikosaka K. The effects of UV-B radiation on growth and DNA damage in highland and lowland ecotypes of Arabidopsis. The 62nd Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of Japan, Kagoshima, Japan, Mar. 2015.

    20.     Wang QW, Kamiyama C, Teranishi C, Hidema J, Hikosaka K. Solar ultraviolet-B radiation and species with different functional groups: DNA damage, repair and protection. The 4th Annual Meeting of Tohoku Botanical Society. Yamagata, Japan, Dec. 2014

    21.     Wang QW, Kamiyama C, Teranishi C, Hidema J, Hikosaka K. Solar UV-B damage, repair, and protection in species with different functional groups in moorlands. The 78th Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan, Tokyo, Japan, Sep. 2014.

    22.     Wang QW, Kamiyama C, Teranishi C, Hidema J, Hikosaka K. UV-induced damage and tolerant mechanisms in species with different functional groups in moorlands at different altitudes. The 61st Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of Japan, Hiroshima, Japan, Mar. 2014.

    23.     Wang QW, Hidema J, and Hikosaka K. Altitudinal and temporal variation of plant DNA damage in response to solar ultraviolet radiation. The 77th Annual Meeting of the Botanical Society of Japan, Hokkaido, Japan, Sep.2013.

    24.     Wang QW, Hidema J, and Hikosaka K. Is UV-induced DNA damage greater in higher altitude? The 6th Asia & Oceania Conference on Photobiology, Sydney, Australia, Nov. 2013.

    25.     Wang QW, Yu DP, Dai LM. Growth and carbon use in Betula ermanii at the treeline on Changbai Mountain in northeast China. The 59th Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of Japan & The 5th EAFES International Congress, Kyoto, Japan, Mar. 2012.

    26.     Wang QW and Hikosaka K. Ecotype differentiation of alpine plants in UV-B tolerance. International Forum of Ecosystem Adaptability Science IV, Sendai, Japan, Dec. 2012.

    27.     Wang QW, Yu DP. Testing the sink-limitation hypothesis of Betula ermanii growth at the alpine treeline in Changbai Mountain, Northeast China. International Forum of Ecosystem Adaptability Science III, Sendai, Japan, Dec. 2011.


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