尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!-z6com



2005-2008, 尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com生态环境研究中心  生态学博士;
2001-2004, 北京林业大学资环学院  生态学硕士;
1990-1995, 沈阳药科大学 药理学学士;
工作经历:2010年- 至今  尊龙凯时人生就是搏z6com沈阳应用生态研究所  副研究员
[1] Chang.Q, Xu WH, Peng.B, Jiang P, Li SL, Wang C, Bai E*, 2022. Dynamic and allocation of recently assimilated carbon in Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) and birch (Betula platyphylla) in a temperate forest. Biogeochemistry, 160: 395-407. 
[2] Li J, Sang CP, Yang JY, Qu LR, Xia ZW, Sun H, Jiang P, Wang XG, He HB, Wang C*. 2021 Stoichiometric imbalance and microbial community regulate microbial elements use efficiencies under nitrogen addition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 156:108207. 
[3] Sang CP, Xia ZW*, Sun LF, Sun H, Jiang P, Wang C*, Bai E, 2021. Responses of soil microbial communities to freeze–thaw cycles in a Chinese temperate forest. Ecological Processes, 10: 66. 
[4] Dai WW, Peng B, Liu J, Wang C, Wang X, Jiang P, Bai E*, 2021. Four years of litter input manipulation changes soil microbial characteristics in a temperate mixed forest. Biogeochemistry, 154:371–383. 
[5] Wang X, Wang C*, Cotrufo MF M, Sun LF, Jiang P, Liu ZP, Bai E*,2020. Elevated temperature increases the accumulation of microbial necromass nitrogen in soil via increasing microbial turnover. Global Change Biology, 26: 5277-5289. 
[6] Wang C, Wang X, Pei GT, Xia ZW, Peng B, Sun LF, Wang J, Gao DC, Chen SD, Liu DW, Dai WW, Jiang P, Fang YT, Liang C, Wu NP, Bai E*, 2020. Stabilization of microbial residues in soil organic matter after two years of decomposition, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 141:107687. 
[7] Xia ZW, Yang JY, Sang CP, Wang X, Sun LF, Jiang P, Wang C*, Bai E, 2020. Phosphorus reduces negative effects of nitrogen addition on soil microbial communities and functions. Microorganisms, 8:1828. 
[8] Pei GT, Liu J, Peng B, Wang C, Jiang P, Bai E*, 2020. Nonlinear Coupling of Carbon and Nitrogen Release During Litter Decomposition and its Responses to Nitrogen Addition, Journal of Geophysical Research. Biogeosciences, 125, e2019JG005462. 
[9] Sun LF, Sang CP, Wang C, Fan ZZ, Peng B, Jiang P, Xia ZW*, 2019. N2O production in the organic and mineral horizons of soil had different responses to increasing temperature. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 19:3499-3511. 
[10] Pei GT, Liu J, Peng B, Gao DC, Wang C, Dai WW, Jiang P, Bai E*, 2019. Nitrogen, lignin C/N as important regulators of gross nitrogen release and immobilization during litter decomposition in a temperate forest ecosystem. Forest Ecology and Management, 440:61-69. 
[11] Peng B, Sun JF, Liu J, Dai WW, Sun LF, Pei GT, Gao DC, Wang C, Jiang P, Bai E*, 2019. N2O emission from a temperate forest soil during the freeze-thaw period: A mesocosm study. Science of The Total Environment, 648:350-357. 
[12] Sun JF, Dai WW, Peng B, Liu J, He TX, Jiang P, Han SJ, Bai E*, 2018. Does the accelerated soil N cycling sustain N demand of Quercus mongolica after decade-long elevated CO2 treatment?. Biogeochemistry, 139:197-213. 
[13] Gao DC, Hagedorn F, zhang L, Liu J, Qu GF, Sun JF, Peng B, Fan ZZ, Zheng JQ, Jiang P, Bai E*, 2018. Small and transient response of winter soil respiration and microbial communities to altered snow depth in a mid-temperate forest. Applied Soil Ecology, 130:40-49. 
[14] Gao DC, zhang L, Liu J, Peng .B, Fan ZZ, Dai WW,Jiang P, Bai E*, 2017.Responses of terrestrial nitrogen pools and dynamics to different patterns of freeze-thaw cycle: A meta-analysis. Global Change Biology, 24:2377–2389. 
[15] Liu J, Peng B, Xia ZW, Sun JF, Gao DC, Dai WW, Jiang P, Bai E*, 2017. Different fates of deposited NH4+ and NO3- in a temperate forest in northeast China: a 15N tracer study. Global Change Biology, 23:2441–2449, 
[16] Liu J, Wang C, Peng B, Xia ZW, Jiang P, Bai E*, 2017. Effect of nitrogen addition on the variations in the natural abundance of nitrogen isotopes of plant and soil components. Plant and Soil, 412:453-464. 
[17] Liu J, Wu NN, Wang H, Sun JF, Peng B, Jiang P, Bai E*, 2016. Nitrogen addition affects chemical compositions of plant tissues, litter and soil organic matter. Ecology, 1796–1806. 
[18] Wu NN, Timothy R Filley, Bai E*, Han SJ, Jiang P, 2015. Incipient changes of lignin and substituted fatty acids under N addition in a Chinese forest soil, Association of Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry, 79:14-20.. 
[19] Wang H, Xu WH, Hu GQ, Dai WW, Jiang P, Bai E*, 2015. The priming effect of soluble carbon inputs in organic and mineral soils from a temperate forest. Oecologia, 178:1239-1250. 
[20] Wang H, Thomas W. Boutton, Xu WH, Hu GQ, Jiang P, Bai E*; 2015. Quality of fresh organic matter affects priming of soil organic matter and substrate utilization patterns of microbes. Scientific Reports, 5:10102. 
[21] Wang C*, Wang XB*, Liu D, Wu HH, L XT, Fang YT, Cheng WX, Luo WT, Jiang P, Shi J, Yin H, Zhou JZ, Han XG*, Bai E*, 2014. Aridity threshold in controlling ecosystem nitrogen cycling in arid and semi-arid grasslands. Nature Communications, 5:4799. 
[22] Xu WH, Li W, Jiang P, Wang H, Bai E*, 2014. Distinct temperature sensitivity of soil carbon decomposition in forest organic layer and mineral. Soil Scientific Reports, 4:6512. 
[23] Bai E*, Li SL*, Xu WH, Li W, Dai WW, Jiang P, 2013. A meta-analysis of experimental warming effects on terrestrial nitrogen pools and dynamics.New Phytologist, 199:441-451. 
[24] Bai E*, Li W, Li SL, Sun JF, Peng Bo, Dai WW, Jiang P, Han SJ, 2014. Pulse Increase of Soil N2O Emission in Response to N Addition in a Temperate Forest on Mt Changbai, Northeast China. PLoS ONE, 97e102765. 
[25] Wang M*, Shi S, Lin F, Jiang p, 2014 Response of the soil fungal community to multi-factor environmental changes in a temperate forest. Applied Soil Ecology, 45-56.  
[26] Wang M*, Shi S, Lin F, Jiang p, Dai GH, 2012. Effects of Soil Water and Nitrogen on Growth and Photosynthetic Response of Manchurian Ash (Fraxinus mandshurica) Seedlings in Northeastern China. PLoS ONE, 72e30754. 
[27] 曲桂芳,徐文华,王会,彭勃,高德才,孙建飞,郑俊强,姜萍,白娥.五角槭根系的负激发效应降低了异养呼吸及其温度敏感性.生态学杂志, 2016,35(10):2692-2698. 
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